Thursday, June 15, 2017

'Walk the 'Walk''

Well, he wasn't so very 'concerned' about the unbridled proliferation of Firearms, and the steady drone of nut cases killing innocent people before 'Now'. Where has he been before Now? And so 'now' he thinks something should be done???  Really? Well, until now he has supported the very person, in Trump, who opened this little hate filled 'Pandora's Box' of  horrors the contents of which has now poisoned American politics, and our society, and just about all who come in contact with it. He needs to start at the 'Top' if he really wants to fix this problem. As long as Davis, and his up to now, narrow minded supporters of Trump 'no matter what', continues to make excuses for, and prop up a dysfunctional President, and protect Steve Bannon, Trumps Puppeteer, nothing will change for the good. Talk is cheap. If Davis is 'really' serious, he will stop the 'talk', and walk the 'walk'.

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