Saturday, June 10, 2017

Hmmm..What Was That 'Seperation of Church and State'

Ok, another evangelical Republican zeolite trying to infuse 'Christianity into Government, totally ignoring the 'Separation of State and Church'. 
By the way, if "prayers" were a 'real' effective way to solve 'any ones' problems, why are there all these 'problems' afterall? Why do they have to keep 'begging', and sucking up to God in order to get him to 'solve' all these problems that, by the way, He allows to happen in the first place. It's like sucking up to the town bully so that he doesn't kick your butt. Superstitious scaredy-cats. ;)

FFRF assails Ky. governor’s new proposal
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is taking a dim view of a new Kentucky gubernatorial initiative.
Gov. Matt Bevin is touting an unconstitutional plan to combat rising violence in Louisville: prayer walks. Announcing this irresponsible strategy recently, he said:
“The lieutenant governor and myself laid forth a very simple request to people, and I'll share with you what that is: It is harnessing people of faith to pray for the community, engage with the community by physically walking blocks in that community, praying for the community, for the people in those communities, and engaging with them. . . . We ask people to spend no more than 30 minutes moving around the block. Go around the block, pause on each corner, pray for the people there, move to the next corner.”

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