Monday, June 12, 2017

Oh! What A 'Surprise'!

Knock, Knock, Knock.....Hellooo, Ivanka...hello, anybody home on your planet...? You really should pull your "fake" blond, empty head out of your arse and face reality here. Where do you think folks 'learned' all this "viciousness" that you 'seem' so surprised at? Where were you when your Daddy Warbucks was on the campaign trail spouting his hatred of Mexicans, Hillary, Democrats, Muslims, 'snow flakes',, know, that sort of thing. Remember how he snuggled up with the 'alt-right' who were looking for a 'hero' to jusify their own hateful rethoric. Remember how all these 'hate groups' slithered out from under their rocks and proclaimed Trump as their 'hero' that was gonna set them free. Did you miss all that? Well, maybe you were busy getting a 'facial' and your perfect nails done. But it's plain that you missed all those hateful things that your daddy used to trick ignorant voters to hop onto his racist wagon.
Actually though, contrary to your delusional thoughts, Trump generates everything that anyone might want to rail at him about. He is the source of his 'own' problems. Unfortunatly for him, and now the rest of the world, he has probably never had an original thought of his own. He simply hires someone to 'think' for him. Such is the case with his puppeteer Steve Bannon, who left to his own devices will insure that Trump fails at everything he tries to do.
Trump brings this "viciousness" that you are so 'surprised' about, onto himself, and it seems that you are a little late in the game to pretend 'surprise' at all. Keep your silly head out of 'you know where', and pay attention from now on. ;)

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Ivanka Trump said Monday she is surprised by the "viciousness" of the media covering her father's presidency, referring to the growing "cloud" of distractions resulting from…

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