Monday, June 19, 2017

'Kimmy', The 'Benevolent'

'My Dear Esteemed President Trump, my almost BFF, as you have honorably requested, I have forgiven, and released your thief of a citizen, Otto Warmbier, under condition that he never return 'alive' to my benevolent, and friendly country of North Korea. When released he was in the 'best' of 'health' that any prisoner of my 'gentle' country could 'ever' be in. Our level of medical treatment is second to 'none'. He even expressed his desire to remain In our scenic, and tourist 'friendly' country forever, but I convinced him in my 'special' subtle ways that he should return home as quickly as possible in order to spend his remaining and most 'healthy' years among his own countrymen. How 'sad' he was to leave the 'safety' of my 'protection'. What a 'pleasure' is was to have Otto in his 'innocently', youthful exuberance flitting about hither and yon, like a colorful butterfly. Please send him my personal admiration, and invitation to feel 'free' to visit our colorful tourist 'mecca' any time he should 'feel' like it. And of course that extends to Any 'live' American citizen with an 'adventurous' soul.
Best regards, your 'almost' BFF 'lover, The Benevolent Grand Putz, Kimmy.'

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Warmbier, a University of Virginia student, returned from North Korea last week in a coma.|By Anna Fifield

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