Friday, June 16, 2017

"Extremely Safe"

 "Extremely safe".   Oh very well, and of course the 'benefits' of visiting 'friendly', 'freedom loving' North Korea far outweigh the bad.  Well, for instance, you would get just the very 'best' medical care that a 'friendly' little fat dictator could provide. And..well, let's see..what else would be really 'fun' there..Oh, those snappy public 'Executions' of  'family' members by Anti-Aircraft firing squads are always a big hit with 'special' discounted tour tickets. And those military 'upmanship' parades with those zillions of little goose stepping army guys...great fun! Oh, you could even get a 'chance', however 'remote' of  'visiting' one of Kimmy's 5 Star prisons! What a 'treat' those comfy retreats have become! Accolades pour in all the time over how wonderful the 'staff' are, and how overly accommodating they are to foreign 'visitors'. Oh, and right now, if you visit within the next few days you can hob-nob with that tattooed, suck-up guy with all those facial/ body piercings, Dennis something or other, who's playing as Trumps 'front man', gonna "open a door" for his Other hero Donald Trump. I guess because Trump is absolutely clueless as to How to "open" his 'own' doors. So, as one can 'see', this 'friendly' little backwoods country of  North Korea is quite the tourist 'attraction', especially for those with little expectations, and those accustomed to living out the rest of their miserable lives in a 'Mini Cell', or as we can see, even Worse. "Extremely safe" in North Korea would be like saying, 'running barefoot in a sand pit full of razorblades, broken glass, and cat poop, would be fun, and 'almost' safe'.

Otto Warmbier Came Home in a Coma. Travel Company Says North Korea Is ‘Extremely Safe!’

Tourists and their guides visiting the Arch of Triumph in Pyongyang, North Korea, in April. Credit Ed Jones/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

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