Saturday, June 10, 2017

Stop It With That "Mockery" Already!

Stop It With That "Mockery" Already!

'I tell you what, God's not going to put up with mockery", he's not, no sireee!
Now folks can mock the President, and who doesn't, they can mock all kinds of stuff. But when it comes to mocking 'someone' as great, kind, helpful, forgiving, benevelent, thoughtful, giving, reverant, and powerful as God almighty, you better watch the heck out buster! I mean watch out! God can see you wherever you go. He can read your 'mind'! He knows what you're gonna 'think' before you even think it. He knows what you're gonna do before 'you' know what you're gonna 'do'. He knows all things because he 'makes' all things! Nothing happens without His say-so. Nothing folks! And let me assure you that if you try to 'think' on your own, he's gonna getcha! Don't even 'think' about thinking about mocking Him. He will find you, and fix you good! If you think that 'ISIS' is tough, you ain't seen nothing until you see God miffed! If you don't beleive me, just look at what happend in Manchester the other day. You think 'that' just 'happened' because some religious fanatic decided to blow himself up in a crowd of little children? Oh no! Those children and their silly heathonistic parents were 'mocking' God by being there watching that evil half naked singer toss her seductive, sweaty, writhing, hot body all over the place making a mockery of God, and all the 'goodness', and 'Godlyness', and 'righteousness' He stands for. God once said 'make no idols before me'. Remember that one? Well, there those sinners were, one and all, idolizing some sexually, seductive, devil filled, tight bodied creature from hades, tempting children and anyone foolish enough to watch her gyrating body. I 'know' what I'm talking about here! As part of my 'studies' as a God fearing, faithful 'Christain Pastor' I have, with Gods 'permission', 'reluctantly' attended more than one of her evil performances, and let me tell you the devil was present every time! I could feel his evil presence filling and swelling my body! I sweated profusly, my body temperature rose to dangerous levels, my body trembled, and 'parts' of my 'body' became 'stiff' as if filled with the devil himself. When I was finally able to break the devils trance, I somehow made my way home where I safely enclosed myself within my foil lined 'closet' where I was soon greatly 'releaved' of the devils spirit. Praise the Lord!
This is exactly why the good Lord was 'forced' to make an 'example' of these heathons that were in attendance at this evil, devil filled concert. These sinful children "literally invited" their own demise by 'worshiping' a 'craven idol'. God is 'merciful', but he can only take so much 'mockery' crap before he must let folks 'know' that enough, is enough. Hallaluyah and praise the Lord! God is 'good, God is 'great'. Onward 'Christian soldiers'! Swing that mighty sword! Smite the devil right out of'em!' :/

See More
American Taliban: Televangelist Jim Bakker claims Manchester victims at the Ariana Grande concert “literally invited” the attack by mocking God.

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