Thursday, June 22, 2017

"No Tapes"..'Really'

Ahhh, the 'master' of "Fake News", 'Conspiracy mongering', 'little white lies', and "Alternative Facts" has 'spoken'. Or 'has' he? Is he 'now' at long last telling a 'truth', or does he still 'lie', as it is his nature to do so. With Trump, the serial liar, how do we 'know' for 'sure' that he is 'now' being 'truthful', or simply telling a 'lie' that he 'believes' is 'truthful. The only absolute way to determine if he is 'telling' a lie is to watch his lips; if they are 'moving', then he is telling a lie. If his lips are 'not' moving, he is simply 'thinking' of a lie to tell.  :/
 Americans should NOT be forced to 'demand' that our President, our Commander-In-Chief, be 'truthful', and accountable for his actions, or lack there of. He should 'act' like a President, and 'be' that President instead of pretending that this is some sort of 'reality' show where he must always get the "bigly" ratings. This is a 'man' who does not have the gonads to actually 'talk' WITH the Americans that his actions are affecting, but feels rather that he must secret himself in his Tweeting 'closet' in the wee hours of the night to rule by 'tweet' instead. Had there been an 'entrance' exam to become President of the United States he would have been' washed out' immediatly. Republicans, and his 'voters' KNEW he was not Presidential material 'then, and know it 'now', and yet they continue to bolster him, mainly because they cannot dare admit they were fooled by a 'snake oil' salesman. Unless Republicans, and his otherwise 'followers' come to their senses, and pull their heads out of his butt, it will take a hundred years, if Ever, for America to recover from his, and Bannons, (his puppet master) "deconstruction" of America. (!)
"I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings,” president tweets.|By Philip Rucker

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