Thursday, June 29, 2017

Gonna "Trademark" That "Rainbow"!

'OMG! There I was just looking up at the sky doing my usual sky looking thing, because you 'know', that's where Jesus lives, when out of the corner of my holier than thou eyes I saw something that I'll just never forget. I usually carry a bottle of 'Wash the devil from my eyes' wash with me but unfortunatly I had used it all up earlier while watching the Jerry Springer show. But there it was just hanging up there in the sky, a big beautiful Rainbow just where one ought to be. But as I looked closer with my biblical eyes I could see some sort of unusual commotion up there, and an even 'closer' look revealed something that was just 'unbelievable', and if I hadn't seen it with my own heavenly bound eyes, even I would not have believed it possible! Crawling all over that beautiful God sent 'miracle' in the sky were hundreds, if not thousands of lusting, sweating, hearts throbbing, gay men, and 'especially' gay women, slipping and sliding, humping, and thumping, groping, and prodding, raping, and violating Gods 'Sky Miracle', along with oneanother, as if there were no tomorrow! OMG, I said to no one in particular, how can they 'do' that to such a beautiful heavenly body, not to mention 'each others' beautiful bodies? It was if I was held in the devils trance for hours it seemed. I lost all track of time and sense of self. I knew though that I was in the 'devils workshop' as the flames from hades swormed about my heating my body to near delerium degrees, sweat flowed from evey pore, my hands were like firebrands over my throbbing, fire sensitive body, oh, how I 'prayed' for a bottle of 'Wash the devil from my eyes' wash! But none I had, and so I was 'forced' to watch this 'revolting' sexual exhibition to it's final 'climax', which I thought would 'never' come.
Later, while 'recovering' from my devil induced ordeal, I thought, hey, "can we trademark the rainbow". I mean, afterall, 'it' belongs to God, and 'we' belong to God, and he 'invented' it for 'us', and not for those out of control gay people, especially those wild gay women. You know, I 'never' realized that 'women' do that sort of thing. How 'sinful'!

  But I'm gonna see about trademarking that rainbow so that the next time those gays think about fornicating with 'my' rainbow, they'll have to come see 'me'...for 'permission' that is. Praise the lord, and pass the eye wash!'

See More
Rainbow rape? Rainbow rage: Angry Christian activist Linda Harvey wants to trademark the rainbow to prevent it from being raped by gays and lesbians.

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