Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"Trump Hurt His Own Voters"

 GeeeWhiz! We 'tried' to tell you, tried to 'warn' you, tried to get you to pull your heads out of his arse. But no, you wouldn't, couldn't, refused, to listen. You 'voted' for a 'snake oil saleman' that wanted to be 'your' President, and who vowed to "deconstruct" America as we knew it. You 'thought' that was a 'good' idea, and that he 'loved' you, and would look out for you. You clapped, clapped, clapped, when you 'heard' him 'speak' your language, when he 'promised' you wealth, and happiness. He 'seemed' to be a Knight in shining armor sent to you by God himself. He promised you he would "make America great again", even though it was pretty great already without his 'help'. Then even when you saw that you had been fOOled by this sharlatan, you continued to make excuses for his terrible actions, and you tried to condone his serial lies. And now you cry 'foul'. Really? You helped create this monster, and 'now' you whine that you have been fooled? 'Now' will you do the right thing, and work to rid America of this serial liar that is hellbent on destroying our country, of which Kentucky just happens to be part of? You are welcome to come join the world of 'common sense', a world that Trump has no clue of.

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