Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sean Can't "Face Reporters"

Cockroaches do not like the 'light' of day, just as Spicer does not like the 'light' of 'cameras' that show him for what he really is. He would rather do his little 'minion' talks out of view of the American public, and with no 'light' shining on him that would illuminate his 'hand puppet' act.. This is his, and his puppeteers way of keeping the public in the 'dark', while controlling, and weakening the media, which Trump hates, and dimming the lights on 'transparency' in government. This has absolutely Nothing to do with "because it would distract from the President". There would be no 'distraction' in the first place if Trump and his minions would just tell the 'truth' when their lips move, instead of every other word coming out as a lie. I find it incredible that the 'media' has not rallied and stood up to this 'no camera' 'rule' that Spicer has instituted that is an obvious attack on freedom of the press'! Instead, they have kowtowed to Spicer's every move to control how they are 'allowed' to report on what our 'President' and his minions are doing in 'Our' White House.

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A Fox News host wanted to ask Spicer if he doesn't like going on camera, so he tracked him down for an exclusive on-camera interview.

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