'What's that?? What's it called? Well, I've had my flaxen head stuck up my arse for quite some time now so I'm really no up on the latest 'news'. I have no idea what they're talking about here. "Germ"?, "Flu"? "Virus"? What the hell is it!? So, "many different names", I'm about as confused as I usually am about anything else. But I can say this about that; I read a lot, you know, with my very huge brain. And without even reading, I know more about this thing, just in the last few minutes now, than any doctor will ever know. I'm very smart. Smarter than most 3rd graders. I know a lot of stuff. I watch Limbaugh, and Fox news a lot. Very smart people. They never lie. Very truthful, just like myself. But you know what? I still don't know what the hell "to call it"!! Is that stupid, or is it just me?'
Sunday, March 29, 2020
American's, Get Your Gun!
'My fellow subjects, my loyal minions, my faithful cult followers, especially a big shout out to 'christian' gun owners nation wide, especially those who know how to vote, after 'careful' consideration, and a lengthy, very private, very "perfect" phone call with my friends at the NRA, as you 'know' one of my largest 'under the table' contributors, I have all by my very self decided that the best antidote, the only cure, the only reliable 'medicine' for this coronavirus, or whatever the hell it really is, no one knows, it's called so many things, who knows, is god fearing American's with a gun in each hand in order to fend off this monster that "prayers and thoughts" have absolutely no effect on. It's in serious life threatening times such as this that all American's must protect themselves, and save millions and millions, and millions of innocent lives any way they can. And of course, as any hospital critical care unit can attest to, firearms are a sure way to 'save' lives.
So, as I am want to do when I need a really good distraction, I'm issuing a 'presidential' decree, effective immediately; All “Workers supporting the operation of firearm or ammunition product manufacturers, retailers, importers,
distributors, and shooting ranges.” are deemed as critical in the fight against this invisible enemy. An American without a gun in his hand is a defenseless American! We must shoot our way out of this pandemic!
I would like to personally thank in advance, all my wealthy friends at the NRA, every American that owns a firearm, every armed christian, every member of my 'cult', for your upcoming vote in November.
Remember folks, I'm the only candidate that was willing to put a gun in your hands so that you could defend yourselves when that ugly Chinese flu came knocking at your door.
Well, I must go now, very important, perfect phone calls to make, 'presidential' decisions to conjure up, finger puppets to manipulate, busy, busy me, your self appointed, holy anointed, 'king for a day.' ;)
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So, as I am want to do when I need a really good distraction, I'm issuing a 'presidential' decree, effective immediately; All “Workers supporting the operation of firearm or ammunition product manufacturers, retailers, importers,
distributors, and shooting ranges.” are deemed as critical in the fight against this invisible enemy. An American without a gun in his hand is a defenseless American! We must shoot our way out of this pandemic!
I would like to personally thank in advance, all my wealthy friends at the NRA, every American that owns a firearm, every armed christian, every member of my 'cult', for your upcoming vote in November.
Remember folks, I'm the only candidate that was willing to put a gun in your hands so that you could defend yourselves when that ugly Chinese flu came knocking at your door.
Well, I must go now, very important, perfect phone calls to make, 'presidential' decisions to conjure up, finger puppets to manipulate, busy, busy me, your self appointed, holy anointed, 'king for a day.' ;)
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Thursday, March 26, 2020
The 'Letter', Read Around The World
Trump, 'The Certifiably, Totally Incompetent', has now escaped the bounds of metal gravity in his ill conceived, and certainly idiotic quest to defeat reality by issuing what he fancies as, 'presidential' decrees. 'Out with you, you damn virus you, 'if', you exist at all!'
The 'boy-king' seems to believe that by lying to his, hopefully ignorant subjects, deflating and minimizing bad news while hyperventilating his own already inflated, yet wounded ego, that he can supersede 'science', and the whole medical profession by virtue of a simpleton's 'letter' to, "America's Governors". Clap, clap, clap, clap!
Here is an 'infant-king' who has always 'got his way' by bluster, boasts, threats, lies, and retaliation, an unsupervised child who is out of touch with his subjects lives in the real world, and certainly out of touch even with his own fantasy T.V. world of 'king for a day'.
He happily boasts that he does not need advisors for practically anything imaginable, that he, and he alone, can solve any problems that could ever threaten America, his imagined 'kingdom'. He 'knows' more than all of his generals, has 'read' more about medical issues than any of the worlds physicians, and in short, knows everything there is to 'know' about anything there is to know. He 'is' the 'doctor' that will save America from itself. And it doesn't matter one bit to him if he has to destroy many to save a few in the process. Numbers, as in 'approval' ratings and 'votes' from that, matters more to our 'boy-king' than the very lives of those same voters. He simply cannot connect the dots, even there.
There are those who ignorantly claim, out of the corner of their mouths, that trump is simply jesting, and really does not intend to "open America up" on Easter Sunday, a mere two weeks from now, as he claims. But make no mistake about it, if he 'say's' it, he fully intends to do it. His ego will not allow him to put his motor mouth into reverse. He must charge forward no matter that he may be on a crash course with destiny. Such is the 'mind set' of an immature child who refuses to listen to adults who know better. Unfortunately for America, even those 'adults' who know better are absolutely afraid to stand up and challenge this boy tyrant that has been loosed from Pandora's box.
It is way past the time for the GOP and the Democrats together to take back their gonads, and set the 'brakes' on this 'presidential' runaway train before he destroys us all with his train wreck.
This pathetic boy-king is not trying to 'save' America, he is simply trying to save himself, his cult-like base, and his wealthy donors while pandering to anyone foolish enough to believe another of his fanciful lies. :/
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The 'boy-king' seems to believe that by lying to his, hopefully ignorant subjects, deflating and minimizing bad news while hyperventilating his own already inflated, yet wounded ego, that he can supersede 'science', and the whole medical profession by virtue of a simpleton's 'letter' to, "America's Governors". Clap, clap, clap, clap!
Here is an 'infant-king' who has always 'got his way' by bluster, boasts, threats, lies, and retaliation, an unsupervised child who is out of touch with his subjects lives in the real world, and certainly out of touch even with his own fantasy T.V. world of 'king for a day'.
He happily boasts that he does not need advisors for practically anything imaginable, that he, and he alone, can solve any problems that could ever threaten America, his imagined 'kingdom'. He 'knows' more than all of his generals, has 'read' more about medical issues than any of the worlds physicians, and in short, knows everything there is to 'know' about anything there is to know. He 'is' the 'doctor' that will save America from itself. And it doesn't matter one bit to him if he has to destroy many to save a few in the process. Numbers, as in 'approval' ratings and 'votes' from that, matters more to our 'boy-king' than the very lives of those same voters. He simply cannot connect the dots, even there.
There are those who ignorantly claim, out of the corner of their mouths, that trump is simply jesting, and really does not intend to "open America up" on Easter Sunday, a mere two weeks from now, as he claims. But make no mistake about it, if he 'say's' it, he fully intends to do it. His ego will not allow him to put his motor mouth into reverse. He must charge forward no matter that he may be on a crash course with destiny. Such is the 'mind set' of an immature child who refuses to listen to adults who know better. Unfortunately for America, even those 'adults' who know better are absolutely afraid to stand up and challenge this boy tyrant that has been loosed from Pandora's box.
It is way past the time for the GOP and the Democrats together to take back their gonads, and set the 'brakes' on this 'presidential' runaway train before he destroys us all with his train wreck.
This pathetic boy-king is not trying to 'save' America, he is simply trying to save himself, his cult-like base, and his wealthy donors while pandering to anyone foolish enough to believe another of his fanciful lies. :/
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In Times Like This
Unfortunately, it's times like this Coronavirus pandemic that can erase the 'Human' factor in 'Humanity'. Just try to imagine what it would be like if this were the Black Plague, instead of the coronavirus which pales in comparison, even as bad as it is. It may well be that the term 'Civilization', in relation to mankind, was a bit too quickly cast. Humans seem to be 'civilized' mostly when the moment in time fits in with their own particular agendas. We 'humans' do not always act 'humanly', and there should be little surprise when we don't. We are not so far removed from our Neanderthal brethren. We still have a little nugget of our Neanderthal ancestors genes tucked away in the dark recesses of our 'human', Homo sapien brains, that can lead us to 'fight or flight', and for most people if there's an 'exit sign' in a time of crisis there will be a stampede towards it, and every man, woman, and child, the sick, the elderly, and the ethnic will be left in the dust to fend for themselves. It can be coined, 'only the strong survive', but being 'strong' of body does not always equate to 'strong of morals'. What's needed in these dire times is a combination of 'both' with the will to 'stay' even when the 'exit sign' is blaring 'GET OUT, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!', and help even the weak and helpless to survive to see another day. America's hospitals, military, and public services agencies are filled with those who refuse to run away from danger! These, are the 'Humans' in 'humanity', these are the people who have evolved past that Neanderthal urge to stay or go when danger lurks, and instead of fleeing, they step forward and face the danger and fight it to whatever end may come. They may pay the ultimate price for it, but they stayed and fought. This, then is 'humanity' at its best, and what it means to be 'civilized'. We are no longer 'cavemen', and we should resist that genetic urge to act that way. ;)
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
The 'King-In-Waiting'
While admittedly, Donald Trump, is not 'officially' a 'Dictator' as the definition of such would define him if indeed he were so, he still nonetheless exhibits particular 'traits' towards such.
The Qualities of a Dictatorship
1.Ruler often rises to power out of conflict.
2.Dictators control all branches of government and the media.
3.Intimidation, murder, imprisonment, violence and other human rights abuses are used to control the population.
4.A cult of personality makes the ruler appear divine.
5.The ruler must consistently, and constantly lie to his subjects, and do all in his power to prevent his subjects from hearing or seeing the actual truth of any matter.
6.The ruler must succeed in turning his subjects against the Free Press, convincing them that they, and not he, are the real enemy of the people.
7.The ruler must constantly foment as much confusion, division, turmoil, doubt, and distraction among his subjects as possible.
8.The ruler must, by implementing these 'qualities', insure that his subjects over time begin to suffer from the 'Stockholm Syndrome', this in order to gain their 'trust', their 'loyalty', and that they now actually protect their ruler from outside harm. ('Stockholm Syndrome' is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity) A victim does not necessarily have to be a 'physical' "captive" or "hostage" to suffer from this syndrome. It is enough that a victim, through being consistently, and over a long enough period of time, be relentlessly subjected to all of the above conditions.
Of course there are parts, such as 'murder' in particular, of #3 above, that trump has not stooped to, but then there are still certain 'laws of the land' that he cannot right now breech without prosecution, even though he has bragged that, "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters", which seems to show his mentality towards being un-touchable, not unlike an actual 'dictator' would boast.
Following below are certain ways that a 'dictator' would lean in order to 'stay' in power.
The Dictator's Handbook to Remaining in Power
1. You want to depend on as few people as possible to keep you in power.
2. You want the pool of people you could call upon to fill the role of that small group, that pool, to be as large as possible. That way, the folks who are in the small group that keep you in power know that if they are wayward, they’re easily replaced.
3. You want to tax the people as highly as you can because you want revenue to enrich yourself and to bribe your cronies.
4. You want to distribute the minimum amount of that revenue that you can get away with – just enough to keep your coalition loyal to you. You want as much of the money left over for your own discretion as possible.
5. If at all possible, you don't want to use the revenue to improve the lives of your people because a) it's more expensive than paying off a few cronies and b) see rule 1 – if the people are your coalition –i.e. the ones you've got to pay off to remain in power – your risk of losing power is much greater.
Our founding fathers were absolutely adamant that America not be ruled by a King or a Tyrant, and constructed our Constitution in order to prevent that very thing from happening. The term 'dictator' may not have been in their vocabulary at that time or no doubt it would have also been mentioned as a 'not'.
And yet, here we are in 2020 suffering a wanna-be dictator, a self appointed King who flouts the 'Laws of the land', usurps our constitution, 'rules' as he wishes, and has made himself virtually un-touchable from prosecution, no matter what laws or rules that he brushes aside.
In short, 'If it looks like a 'dictator', walks like a dictator, talks like a dictator, and smells like a dictator, then it's a good bet that it's a 'dictator', or at least in king trumps case, a 'dictator in waiting'. :/
The Qualities of a Dictatorship
1.Ruler often rises to power out of conflict.
2.Dictators control all branches of government and the media.
3.Intimidation, murder, imprisonment, violence and other human rights abuses are used to control the population.
4.A cult of personality makes the ruler appear divine.
5.The ruler must consistently, and constantly lie to his subjects, and do all in his power to prevent his subjects from hearing or seeing the actual truth of any matter.
6.The ruler must succeed in turning his subjects against the Free Press, convincing them that they, and not he, are the real enemy of the people.
7.The ruler must constantly foment as much confusion, division, turmoil, doubt, and distraction among his subjects as possible.
8.The ruler must, by implementing these 'qualities', insure that his subjects over time begin to suffer from the 'Stockholm Syndrome', this in order to gain their 'trust', their 'loyalty', and that they now actually protect their ruler from outside harm. ('Stockholm Syndrome' is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity) A victim does not necessarily have to be a 'physical' "captive" or "hostage" to suffer from this syndrome. It is enough that a victim, through being consistently, and over a long enough period of time, be relentlessly subjected to all of the above conditions.
Of course there are parts, such as 'murder' in particular, of #3 above, that trump has not stooped to, but then there are still certain 'laws of the land' that he cannot right now breech without prosecution, even though he has bragged that, "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters", which seems to show his mentality towards being un-touchable, not unlike an actual 'dictator' would boast.
Following below are certain ways that a 'dictator' would lean in order to 'stay' in power.
The Dictator's Handbook to Remaining in Power
1. You want to depend on as few people as possible to keep you in power.
2. You want the pool of people you could call upon to fill the role of that small group, that pool, to be as large as possible. That way, the folks who are in the small group that keep you in power know that if they are wayward, they’re easily replaced.
3. You want to tax the people as highly as you can because you want revenue to enrich yourself and to bribe your cronies.
4. You want to distribute the minimum amount of that revenue that you can get away with – just enough to keep your coalition loyal to you. You want as much of the money left over for your own discretion as possible.
5. If at all possible, you don't want to use the revenue to improve the lives of your people because a) it's more expensive than paying off a few cronies and b) see rule 1 – if the people are your coalition –i.e. the ones you've got to pay off to remain in power – your risk of losing power is much greater.
Our founding fathers were absolutely adamant that America not be ruled by a King or a Tyrant, and constructed our Constitution in order to prevent that very thing from happening. The term 'dictator' may not have been in their vocabulary at that time or no doubt it would have also been mentioned as a 'not'.
And yet, here we are in 2020 suffering a wanna-be dictator, a self appointed King who flouts the 'Laws of the land', usurps our constitution, 'rules' as he wishes, and has made himself virtually un-touchable from prosecution, no matter what laws or rules that he brushes aside.
In short, 'If it looks like a 'dictator', walks like a dictator, talks like a dictator, and smells like a dictator, then it's a good bet that it's a 'dictator', or at least in king trumps case, a 'dictator in waiting'. :/
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
What Could Possibly Go Wrong With 'That'
'Yeah, the way my infantile mind see's it, this simple virus, not serious at all, hardly worth mentioning in passing actually, is not serious enough to warrant shutting down my kingdom. I mean, come on! "America wasn't built to be shut down because of coronavirus". I mean who does that!? The economy is going straight to hell, the stock market is floundering in deep water, people can't go to work, it's making 'me' look even more incompetent than I already am, I'm losing voters because of it, and for what? The 'Chinese' flu is no worse than the common flu! We didn't shut down because of that one did we? No. I mean, only old sick people, not people like 'us', get this virus and die from it. Is that so bad? Is it? Is it?? Do we want to shut down America just to save a few old people?
It's better that many old, infirm, sickly, useless people should die of this flu, than to allow our economy to be destroyed. I mean, 'who' wouldn't agree with that? I get calls, hundreds, thousands a day, all the time, from old people volunteering to forego treatment if they get this flu. Willing to give up their own miserable, useless,lives to save their children! How about 'that'! Brave Americans! A big round of clap, clap, clap, for these selfless souls! great 'trumpers' for sure. They want the younger generation to survive by having their lives back, jobs, health and lots of money. You know just like my own children. Already, the Lt. Governor of Texas has volunteered to pass away in order to save our economy. What a great guy. Wonderful 'christian' family man, a brave grandfather. Gotta love his dedication! A real 'trumper'! Gonna miss him!
I'm sure a lot more of my other Republican 'friends' will step up to the sacrificial plate. I, myself, 'would' volunteer but I'm really busy right now trying to ruin, errr...ah, 'run', that is, my kingdom. Gonna make it, "great again"!
So, as the self appointed, fully anointed 'king' of my very own kingdom, I proclaim that the coronavirus as we know it will be eradicated by April 12, which coincidentally is Easter, a time of thanking god for delivering America from the darkness of this pandemic that 'he' himself sent us. What a great guy! And then, I'll open America back up as if nothing ever happened, and we'll just get on with life, clicking our heels, grow the economy really, really big, huge, big numbers, and I'll look like a hero to my cult following who in turn will thank me greatly by voting me back into office soon. What can possibly go wrong with that?' ;)
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It's better that many old, infirm, sickly, useless people should die of this flu, than to allow our economy to be destroyed. I mean, 'who' wouldn't agree with that? I get calls, hundreds, thousands a day, all the time, from old people volunteering to forego treatment if they get this flu. Willing to give up their own miserable, useless,lives to save their children! How about 'that'! Brave Americans! A big round of clap, clap, clap, for these selfless souls! great 'trumpers' for sure. They want the younger generation to survive by having their lives back, jobs, health and lots of money. You know just like my own children. Already, the Lt. Governor of Texas has volunteered to pass away in order to save our economy. What a great guy. Wonderful 'christian' family man, a brave grandfather. Gotta love his dedication! A real 'trumper'! Gonna miss him!
I'm sure a lot more of my other Republican 'friends' will step up to the sacrificial plate. I, myself, 'would' volunteer but I'm really busy right now trying to ruin, errr...ah, 'run', that is, my kingdom. Gonna make it, "great again"!
So, as the self appointed, fully anointed 'king' of my very own kingdom, I proclaim that the coronavirus as we know it will be eradicated by April 12, which coincidentally is Easter, a time of thanking god for delivering America from the darkness of this pandemic that 'he' himself sent us. What a great guy! And then, I'll open America back up as if nothing ever happened, and we'll just get on with life, clicking our heels, grow the economy really, really big, huge, big numbers, and I'll look like a hero to my cult following who in turn will thank me greatly by voting me back into office soon. What can possibly go wrong with that?' ;)
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'Volunteers' Needed In Texas
What a total mental train wreck! It's obvious that this wacko Republican 'trumpeteer' is void of "grandparents" himself, and fancies himself as some sort of pre-martyr sent here by his god in order to sacrifice himself to save humanity from a virus invented 'by' his 'benevolent' god in the first place. "Thoughts and prayers" don't work, so putting our elderly in 'death houses' is his 'best' answer to fighting the coronavirus.
I think this radicalized, evangelical 'Christian' moron should put up or shut up.
By all means 'learned', Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, please feel free to be the shining example of your horrible suggestion, and contract this terrible virus and show us the wisdom of your passing. No doubt your children, and grandchildren will totally understand your stupidity. Why bother using science and common sense, when you can just give up, and 'check out'. It's true Danny boy, you have proven that there's absolutely no cure for stupidity. :/ :/
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I think this radicalized, evangelical 'Christian' moron should put up or shut up.
By all means 'learned', Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, please feel free to be the shining example of your horrible suggestion, and contract this terrible virus and show us the wisdom of your passing. No doubt your children, and grandchildren will totally understand your stupidity. Why bother using science and common sense, when you can just give up, and 'check out'. It's true Danny boy, you have proven that there's absolutely no cure for stupidity. :/ :/
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Dear Kimmy, My Almost Lover
My Dear Kimmy, my 'almost lover', I hope this missive finds you well fed and as happy as a bonified dictator of your esteemed caliber can be. You have always been, well, among others like yourself, the kind of 'benevolent' dictator that I look up to when charting my destructive path through the landscape of my own kingdom. To say that I've missed your melodious 'translated' voice would be a falsehood, and as the world well knows, 'falsehoods', is something I 'never' personally, entertain. But oh, how I miss those happy-go-lucky times we spent together, your paisley, sweaty, dough-boy hand encapsulated in my own manly, viral, 'presidential' hands. Remember how we openly expressed to the whole world our love, and admiration for one another? Only we two will ever understand our thoughts and dreams of conquest of the human soul. Ah, such fond memories of love lost.
Speaking of 'kingdoms', have you heard that I have proclaimed myself as the 'king' of my very own country? Yep! Nothing to it! So much to do, so many lives to ruin! Busy, busy. I thought, needlessly so, that at my coronation there would be an uproar, protestations and such, but, not a single whimper from my shell shocked serfs. Sometimes it's easier to get 'forgiveness' than 'permission'.
You and I are so much alike Kimmy-boy! That old adage, "Birds of a feather, flock together', was surely penned for us.
Speaking of 'us', that leads me to the reason of this "perfect" love letter. I wish to congratulate you, my corpulent, overfed, virtual lover, on your astounding success at keeping that 'Chinese flu' out of your wonderful country. Not a single case there! Incredible! Unbelievable! And yet, so 'true', as you so proclaim. I actually believe your every word! Really, I do! Good job Kimmy! The whole world looks up to you and wishes they could follow your incredible dictatorial leadership.
You've probably read "fake news" articles written by 'hoax masters' that this flu has reared its ugly head here in my kingdom. Do not believe anything you read or hear Kimmy! Listen to my voice only. Lies, all lies! My "enemies" are trying to overthrow my kingship by telling horrible lies about me! I can almost promise you that not a 'single' case of this 'ethnic flu' is present in my kingdom. Months, and months ago, when I 'first' heard about it, I immediately took draconian measures by such things as finishing my 'wall', and, well, you know, stuff like that, and other stuff, and things. Great things! Incredible stuff! Huge numbers! Millions of really wonderful things! My extradentary 'leadership' as 'Warrior-In-Chief' of my kingdom will be remembered for many eons, or whatever, to come. I have given myself a 150% score as to my 'leadership' abilities. No other 'king' could do what I've done to, err, that is, 'for' my little kingdom.
With that, I sadly must close for now. Parting is such sweet sorrow. In the meantime, keep setting the 'good example' of your benevolent, humanitarian, leadership, as I myself will continue to do. And stop blabbing about every time I send you a 'personal' letter, it's 'our' business only, ok? Call me at my private number, 555-555-5555, if you need anything. Remember, the whole world is watching.
Your unrequited lover, King for a day, Donnie-boy trump.' ;) ;)
Trump Writes to Kim Jong-un Offering Help in Virus Fight, North
www.nytimes.com › world › asia › coronavirus-north-korea-trump-kim
2 days ago - SEOUL, South Korea — President Trump has sent a letter to North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, expressing his willingness to help the North ...
Speaking of 'kingdoms', have you heard that I have proclaimed myself as the 'king' of my very own country? Yep! Nothing to it! So much to do, so many lives to ruin! Busy, busy. I thought, needlessly so, that at my coronation there would be an uproar, protestations and such, but, not a single whimper from my shell shocked serfs. Sometimes it's easier to get 'forgiveness' than 'permission'.
You and I are so much alike Kimmy-boy! That old adage, "Birds of a feather, flock together', was surely penned for us.
Speaking of 'us', that leads me to the reason of this "perfect" love letter. I wish to congratulate you, my corpulent, overfed, virtual lover, on your astounding success at keeping that 'Chinese flu' out of your wonderful country. Not a single case there! Incredible! Unbelievable! And yet, so 'true', as you so proclaim. I actually believe your every word! Really, I do! Good job Kimmy! The whole world looks up to you and wishes they could follow your incredible dictatorial leadership.
You've probably read "fake news" articles written by 'hoax masters' that this flu has reared its ugly head here in my kingdom. Do not believe anything you read or hear Kimmy! Listen to my voice only. Lies, all lies! My "enemies" are trying to overthrow my kingship by telling horrible lies about me! I can almost promise you that not a 'single' case of this 'ethnic flu' is present in my kingdom. Months, and months ago, when I 'first' heard about it, I immediately took draconian measures by such things as finishing my 'wall', and, well, you know, stuff like that, and other stuff, and things. Great things! Incredible stuff! Huge numbers! Millions of really wonderful things! My extradentary 'leadership' as 'Warrior-In-Chief' of my kingdom will be remembered for many eons, or whatever, to come. I have given myself a 150% score as to my 'leadership' abilities. No other 'king' could do what I've done to, err, that is, 'for' my little kingdom.
With that, I sadly must close for now. Parting is such sweet sorrow. In the meantime, keep setting the 'good example' of your benevolent, humanitarian, leadership, as I myself will continue to do. And stop blabbing about every time I send you a 'personal' letter, it's 'our' business only, ok? Call me at my private number, 555-555-5555, if you need anything. Remember, the whole world is watching.
Your unrequited lover, King for a day, Donnie-boy trump.' ;) ;)
Trump Writes to Kim Jong-un Offering Help in Virus Fight, North
www.nytimes.com › world › asia › coronavirus-north-korea-trump-kim
2 days ago - SEOUL, South Korea — President Trump has sent a letter to North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, expressing his willingness to help the North ...
The New York Times: Find breaking news
Trump Writes to Kim Jong-un Offering Help in Virus Fight, North
Trump Writes to Kim Jong-un Offering Help in Virus Fight, North
2 days ago - SEOUL, South Korea — President Trump has sent a letter to North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, expressing his willingness to help the North ...
Monday, March 23, 2020
The 'Doctor-In-Chief', Is In
'Look folks, I never claimed to be a 'doctor', I'm just a very simple minded 'leader' of the free word who pretends to know everything about everything there is to know...and then some. I mean, come on, I didn't actually 'tell' people to take this stuff...why, that'd be something like an ignorant 'snake oil' salesman would stoop to, and I'm hardly that! Barely an intelligent king. But perhaps 'intelligent' is too strong a word in this case. But I do know more than any doctor that I know of.
Look, here's what I said, words that the "fake news" reporters have twisted, and taken out of context in order to make me look even more idiotic than I really am, followed by what I actually 'meant', after all, it's not 'my' fault that people are so utterly stupid as to believe my every 'presidential' utterance;
"It's shown very encouraging -- very, very encouraging early results. And we're going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately. And that's where the FDA has been so great. They -- they've gone through the approval process; it's been approved. And they did it -- they took it down from many, many months to immediate. So we're going to be able to make that drug available by prescription or states,". "Normally the FDA would take a long time to approve something like that, and it's -- it was approved very, very quickly and it's now approved, by prescription."
Now 'really', does that 'sound' like I told idiots to take this un-proven drug? Does it? Of course, in my own demented, jumbled mind, the answer is a resounding, No! although what 'harm' could it possibly do??
Now, I will attempt to be as opaquely 'clear', as I usually am, so that even a simpleton such as myself can understand my 'presidential' blathering's; Like I said, it's not my fault that people are so utterly stupid enough to believe my every 'presidential' utterance.
There! I'm confident that I have 'cleared' the air of this horrible stench caused by my occupying the office of the president. Isn't there some hapless reporter in this room that I can berate? Someone I can call "nasty" names? Something else I can do to take the heat off my flaxen head? Did I mention that I have actually cured the coronavirus, all by myself? Email or tweet me for more details of my proprietary ingredients of my heavenly 'cure' for all your ailments. Really. I'm whatcha might call, 'The Doctor-In-Chief', trust me, I would hardly ever lie to you. Honest.' ;)
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Look, here's what I said, words that the "fake news" reporters have twisted, and taken out of context in order to make me look even more idiotic than I really am, followed by what I actually 'meant', after all, it's not 'my' fault that people are so utterly stupid as to believe my every 'presidential' utterance;
"It's shown very encouraging -- very, very encouraging early results. And we're going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately. And that's where the FDA has been so great. They -- they've gone through the approval process; it's been approved. And they did it -- they took it down from many, many months to immediate. So we're going to be able to make that drug available by prescription or states,". "Normally the FDA would take a long time to approve something like that, and it's -- it was approved very, very quickly and it's now approved, by prescription."
Now 'really', does that 'sound' like I told idiots to take this un-proven drug? Does it? Of course, in my own demented, jumbled mind, the answer is a resounding, No! although what 'harm' could it possibly do??
Now, I will attempt to be as opaquely 'clear', as I usually am, so that even a simpleton such as myself can understand my 'presidential' blathering's; Like I said, it's not my fault that people are so utterly stupid enough to believe my every 'presidential' utterance.
There! I'm confident that I have 'cleared' the air of this horrible stench caused by my occupying the office of the president. Isn't there some hapless reporter in this room that I can berate? Someone I can call "nasty" names? Something else I can do to take the heat off my flaxen head? Did I mention that I have actually cured the coronavirus, all by myself? Email or tweet me for more details of my proprietary ingredients of my heavenly 'cure' for all your ailments. Really. I'm whatcha might call, 'The Doctor-In-Chief', trust me, I would hardly ever lie to you. Honest.' ;)
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Health officials in Nigeria have issued a warning over chloroquine after they said three people in the country overdosed on the drug, in the wake of President Trump's comments about using it to treat coronavirus.
Health officials in Nigeria have issued a warning over chloroquine
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