Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A 'New York Minute'

'Dear 'almost lover', Trump, 'The Negotiator'.
It was with miniscule pleasure to have met, and 'negotiated' nothing with you. By the way, why are your hands so small? They felt like little girl hands in my robust, manly, dictatorial hands. Perhaps eat more fish and rice? As you can see, that diet has not hurt my massive girth at all. But enough about me. Let me talk about you for a moment, which is about all the time I can afford to allot you. If you were a more important dignitary I would give you at least a 'New York Minute'. Haha! American joke!
Did you really think, and of course you did, that you could trick me into playing your bully game of up-manship? Did you think I cannot 'see' you through my corpulent eye lids? I knew in the first second of meeting you that I would own you. You actually believed that I would destroy my Nukes just because you demanded I do so, didn't you? Crazy orange American! As you can see, I'm busy building even bigger, and better American killing missles, and no, you cannot stop me. Should have thought of that plan a long tiome ago. Soon, it will be I who turns world bully, and the whole world will be mine while you are so busy destroying America on your own. You are the 2nd best thing that ever happend to North Korea, I being the 1st.', and the very worst thing that ever happened to America.'

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North Korea is reportedly constructing new intercontinental ballistic missiles, despite reassurances from President Trump that the rogue nation is “no longer a nuclear threat.”

Monday, July 30, 2018

Giuliani's 'Otherworld' of Denial

FYI, Giuliani, here's Webster's definition of 'Collusion'; 'Secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose * acting in 'collusion' with the enemy'. Now my 'learned' friend, exactly which part of that definition do you not understand? You can try to use "Alternative Reality" to make it sound as if there's no substance to that definition, but it is what it is, and try as you may you cannot make it something it's not. But you are a good lemming, and no doubt you will follow your 'master' right over any cliff he chooses for you. Good luck in your 'otherworld' of denial.

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President Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said Monday that he's not sure collusion with Russia would be considered a crime.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Hellooo...Is This Mic On?

'WaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaWaaaa! You mean ol' Democrats had better play ball by my rules and build 'my' Wall or I'm gonna shut this stupid government right own! You all will be out of a job! You better learn to flip burgers real quick boys! And I mean it this time! Really. I'm not kidding round this time folks! Is anyone listening to me? Hey! Is this mic on?? Can anyone hear me out there? Waaaaa! You better listen to me, you meanies! I'm the 'boss' here, and when I say 'Jump', you say, 'How high'! Don't you recognize a 'school yard bully' when you see one? Well, do you!? Now get to jumping you bunch of losers, and build my wall! We gotta keep those criminal, robbing, raping, drug dealing Mexicans out of my kingdom! Disgusting fence jumpers! How am I supposed to rule my kingdom with a bunch of illegal puddle jumpers running around making me look worse than I am. Besides, that's My job! And I'm doing a pretty good job of it already without their help! Now, get off your lazy butts and build my wall already!
Is there anyone out there even listening to me? Can you hear me? Am I talking to myself here, or what? Helloooo...is this mic on? WaaaaaWaaaaaaa I want my mommy!'

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President Donald Trump threatened to push the government into shutdown…

Two Serial Liars

Rudy has obviously forgotten that he now works for an actual certified, card carrying, "pathological liar". And now he, himself, has contracted the horrible lying disease from his boss. The apple falls not far from the tree, it seem.

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Cohen recorded conversations he had with Trump and others, and the recordings are now in the hands of federal investigators. Giuliani claimed Sunday the recordings contained no evidence that implicated the president in illegal activity.

Friday, July 27, 2018

"Shocked", Flabbergasted!

"I am shocked"! Flabbergasted! Astonished! Dumfounded! Disconcerted! Rattled! Stunned! You name it, and I'm it. Did I mention that I'm sweating like the walls of a cheap steam bath? My gonads are swimming in my skivvies! Why is this traitor, whom I formerly regarded as a blood brother, doing this to me? Me, who has never even thought an unkind thought about this now traitor. This guy vowed to 'take a bullet' for me, and now he has fired that bullet across my bow, and I of course in return must do all in my godly power to sink his leaky canoe before he utters even more 'untruths' about me. "Pardon"? We'll see. I mean, what did I ever do to him to cause such revenge upon my king-like person? Disgusting traitor! "Sad, so sad".
So, before this 'obvious' lie grows legs, just let me clear this up to the complete 'satisfaction' of the "fake news" press, and my ever faithful base, who by the way would never believe such lies in the first place, but just in case; "I did NOT know of the meeting with my son, Don jr. Sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam (Taxi cabs maybe?). He even retained Bill and Crooked Hillary’s lawyer. Gee, I wonder if they helped him make the choice!" So there! There should be no more questions about this "fake news" story which has obviously been generated by Hillary's camp of liars, and adopted by my ex-BFF, aka, 'the traitor'. Hey Cohen, show me the tape, pal! What a weasel! Who does that!?
I have always been more than opaque about this non-matter, and I have consistantly, just as I am consistant in denying all 'baseless' charges against me, whores included, denied knowledge of any matters concerning my relationship, personal or business related, with my FWB-BFF Vlad 'The Nation Builder' Putin. Until Helsinki I had never even heard of him. Never been to Russia. I couldn't even find it on a map if I had to. So, I want to be less than clear about this, and let there be more than doubt, I am in extreme denial. I am not lying about this any more than usual. "I am shocked"! Just "shocked". Really.'
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President Donald Trump on Friday denied his former personal attorney…

A 'Wormy' Story Indeed

Call me 'skeptical' if you must but there's more to this wormy little story than meets the eye. I think if, if you even care, one keeps an eye on how this story progresses, we might soon discover that this kid already had those critters in his feet even before his beach trip, and mama bear is just deflecting attention from her letting her kid run barefoot at home where he most likely picked these critter up in the first place. Has the Health Department taken samples of the sand at the supposed location of these worms to determine if they are actually present in the sand? There's always another side to every 'story'. Stay tuned.

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The teen has reportedly been left home-bound by the infection and needs to soak in bleach water each day

Dear 'Erd'

'Dear 'Erd',
 Hey bro, I thought we were like 'fist-bump' pals. What happened? What went wrong? What have You done that now makes us now so estranged? Sad. Just the other I was praising your incredible 'leadership', your ability to know what your people want, your 'humanity' towards your citizens, your compassion, your willingness to allow your people to freely express themselves in all matters. Was I wrong? Did I "read" you wrong in our "first minute" of meeting"?
I thought you and I were so much alike that I was ready to name my next boy man-child after you. Remember when we walked arm in arm telling jokes, and sharing military secrets, well, actually that was mostly me. Remember how I promised to sell you a bunch of my brand new top secret F-35 Figher Jets? Remember how we chuckled when I invited you over for a sleep over in my castle? But boy, did we have fun! And now look at us. Obviously you have done something to ruin our close friendship to the point that now I must threaten, and bully you into doing things my way. For instance, you are holding a very nice Christian man against his, and his Gods, will. That makes me angry Erd, because if you don't let him go free I will lose millions of Evangelical voters who believed me when I told them that I would make you let him come home. Come on Erd!! Give me a friggin' break here already! They believed me Erd! Do you have any idea what that means!? Yeah, yeah, I know that people aren't allowed to actually vote in your country, which would be pretty cool here, but right now I get, well, in theory anyway, 'elected' by votes. And if people 'think' that I lie to them, which I would never, ever, do because I am very Christian, they will refuse to vote for me. Of course as soon as I have made laws that will make it so that I am a lifetime ruler of America, I wont have to worry about 'votes' because I'll already be there. Soon, "We'll see".
I had hoped to learn so much from you Erd, I admired your heavy handed leadership, the way you made your people bow at the sound of your very name, the way you suppressed those who dislike you, and so much more. You really know how to get 'respect'. I admire that in a dictator Erd, and I strive to be more like that myself.
I wanted to be your BFF, but now, I must return to being what I really am, a big hateful bully, and force you to do what I want you to do. At first thought I could catch more flies with my sweet honey tongue, but now I must revert to my real self and beat you down with my hateful self, just as I do to my own people.
As soon as you are ready to grovel before my throne just let me knw Erd, and I will consider what I shall do with you.
Until then I will make you so sorry that you have rebuffed my lies. Oh, guess what looser, Vlad Putin is now my FWB-BFF! HaHa! You're not half the 'man' he is! Eat your heart out looser!
Disrespectfully yours, Donald Trump, 'The Incompetent'.'

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The U.S. is threatening sanctions while an American pastor remains under house arrest in Turkey.

'The Pot Calling The Kettle Black'

"Silencing"??? Trump, 'The Incompetent', has the gall to complain about "silencing"!?
Has he already, since just yesterday, forgotten, "White House bans CNN reporter from Rose Garden event after she peppers Trump with tough questions on Russia, Cohen"?
And now he complains about "silencing" someone? It's just another one of his destractions to pull attention away from his incompetent self. He Rules America and the World in general, by creating mayhem, division, hate, disorder, animosity, invidiousness, in the minds of the weak and gullible, which in turn can't help but infect all others, and in turn garners voters for his re-election campaign. Trumps complaint is akin to, 'the pot calling the kettle black'. It is Trump, 'The Incompetent', that is "discriminatory and illegal".
Investors, already unnerved by Facebook's plunge, shed Twitter shares after Trump's comments.

"Enemy Of The People", Say's Trump

'I'll explain. It seems that lately I've been having to explain away a lot of "fake news" generated by these "enemy of the people" 'news' reporters. Frankly, I'm tired of these guys trying to ruin our America with their constant attacks against me. That's My job! How dare they do my job for me! Oooo, how I hate them! Just about as much as I hate that disgusting Obama! Always telling the truth to make me look like a liar! These unwarranted attacks are making America look bad in the eyes of the whole world. People are talking. A lot of bad rumors about me. All "fake new"! No truth to it. Big "witch hunt". "Hoax".  Should be a law that controls what they can print, and say, especially about Me. Good idea. I'll start with barring them from White House functions, especially if they continue to ask me questions that piss me off. Especially that filthy CNN! Just where do they think they are? Don't they realize that I'm the ruler of America, ruler of all things worth ruling? Disgusting trolls! I am the most powerful man on this planet! I'm very smart. I can use America's Constitution to hide behind while I chip away at the foundation of its Democratic institutions until at last I have deconstructed everything that made America great in the first place. My power is undisputed even if, uncontrolable, and not a little, out of control. Whatever. Call it what you like, but it remains that I am omnipotent, untouchable, invincible, indestructible, and, oh, did I mention, above the 'Law of The Land' that controls everyone else, but me? Don't you just love that snappy Constitution!? But hey, enough already, this isn't about Me, is it? What do you think of me so far?
Hey, did you see how I suckered those disgusting veterns into voting for me. Easy as pie. Even if only a few of them come out hating the 'news' media, they'll go out and convince a bunch more, and there you go, more voters for Trump! These people have no clue what's going on around them. I told them, “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening.” That's called "alternative reality". Now you see it, now you don't. I could sell snake oil to a snake! If you want to 'know' the 'truth', and what's really happening, just ask Me. I'll tell you the 'honest truth', I cross my heart of stone that I'll always be 'truthful' no matter what it's about. Really. No kidding, I really will. I wouldn't lie to anyone, no matter how much I would want to. I've 'never' told a lie in my whole miserable life, and that's no lie. Honest. Do I 'look' like a liar? Huh? Well, do I??'

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While addressing veterans at a Missouri convention, President Donald…

Ban The Press

Muzzle the 'press' and then...? This is what an autocracy does in order to strengthen its hold on the populace. Trump, 'The Incompetent', fancies himself as the 'King' of America where he is above the 'Law of the land'. Instead of using our Constitution for the betterment of America, he hides behind it like the weasel he is to deconstruct our Nation from the inside out. And Republicans and his narrow minded base still praise him as if he will save them from themselves. Sad little man-child.

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"This decision to bar a member of the press is retaliatory in nature and not indicative of an open and free press," CNN said in a statement. "We demand better."

'Sleepover' Cancelled

'See!?? See what happens when there's an active "witch hunt" "hoax" going on in Washington!? Who in their right mind would want to wittness this sort of crazy stunt? Geez! Only in America. Disgusting Democrats!! I know Hillary, and that illegal immigrant Obama, are behind this. There's gonna be a serious investigation by the Supreme Court over this. Maybe next week. Soon. I bet they'd never get away with this in my adopted country, Russia! Now, my FWB-BFF, has cancelled our sleepover at my White House castle! He's just too embarrassed for me to come here and see how I'm treated in my very own kingdom. There's just not enough controls to prevent this sort of attack against me, the most popular President since George Washington. Actually, my 'numbers' were even larger than his were. Just shows how great I am compared to someone like him. I have some new 'laws' in mind that will protect me even more than America's Constitution does. "We'll see".
But this isn't about me, me, me, is it? It's about this illegal investigation by these disgusting Democrats trying to frame me for something I may, or may not have done. Hey, show me the video tape of me doing Anything illegal. Right, there are none, that I know of at the moment, anyway. Case closed. Well, I'll get outta this mess pretty soon anyway, because I'm gonna get rid of that useless traitor Rod Rosenstein. He vowed fidelity to my crown, and now look what he's doing out there with that horrible Mueller! Traitors both! What a joke! As soon as he's gone I'll put one of my own pals in his place, and then, no more "witch hunt"! Over and done with. Done. Outta there! Fini! Mueller, start looking for a job flipping burgers, you'll never work a real job again, I'll make sure of it!
Then, my FWB can come to my castle for a sleepover, just the two of us, no wittnesses, where we'll share all our secrets with one another while we snuggle in my great big 'Presidential' bed. Vlad promised to tell me his secrets after I tell him mine. Oooo, and I have a lot of them! What a great guy! Very 'trustworthy' as we all 'know'. He's just like me! In more ways than can be counted. We have what you might call, 'twin minds'. Of course mine is much smarter than his. But that's just me, me, me.'

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The US president had originally invited the Russian leader to come to Washington, DC, this fall.


This, our very incompetent 'Liar-In-Chief', ranting and raving like the 'man-child', madman, that he is, about the enemy, the News media creating "fake news". All the while it is he, himself, that generates a smoke screen of "fake news" in hopes that he is able to subjugate, 'rule', and deconstruct our America right before our very eyes. Sad little man-child, sans adult supervision. We have met the "enemy", and it is He! 


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The Trump administration has a consistent habit of flatly denying media reports that turn out to be correct.

Is There Any Doubt?

Oh, big 'surprise' here. As if anyone with even half a brain cell ever doubted that Trump, 'The Incompetent', didn't 'know' about this secret little meeting with his friends the Russians spy.

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Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that....

Nocturnal Tweeter

I encourage Trump, 'The Incompetent', to continue with his nocturnal tweets which reveal the sad little 'man-child' that he surely is. )

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The president’s public attacks on Jeff Sessions and James Comey, which came as he was also privately pressuring them, are being scrutinized.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Now You See It, Now You Don't

'I'll explain. It seems that lately I've been having to explain away a lot of "fake news" generated by these "enemy of the people" 'news' reporters. Frankly, I'm tired of these guys trying to ruin our America with their constant attacks against me. That's My job! How dare they do my job for me! Oooo, how I hate them! Just about as much as I hate that disgusting Obama! Always telling the truth to make me look like a liar! These unwarranted attacks are making America look bad in the eyes of the whole world. People are talking. A lot of bad rumors about me. All "fake new"! No truth to it. Big "witch hunt". Should be a law that controls what they can print, and say, especially about Me. Good idea. I'll start with barring them from White House functions, especially if they continue to ask me questions that piss me off. Especially that filthy CNN! Just where do they think they are? Don't they realize that I'm the ruler of America, ruler of all things worth ruling? Disgusting trolls! I am the most powerful man on this planet! I'm very smart. I can use America's Constitution to hide behind while I chip away at the foundation of its Democratic institutions until at last I have deconstructed everything that made America great. My power is undisputed even if, uncontrolable, and not a little, out of control. Whatever. Call it what you like, but it remains that I am omnipotent, untouchable, invincible, indestructible, and, oh, did I mention, above the 'Law of The Land' that controls everyone else, but me? Don't you just love that snappy Constitution!? But hey, enough already, this isn't about Me, is it? What do you think of me so far?
Hey, did you see how I suckered those disgusting veterns into voting for me. Easy as pie. Even if only a few of them come out hating the 'news' media, they'll go out and convince a bunch more, and there you go, more voters for Trump! These people have no clue what's going on around them. I told them, “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening.” That's called "alternative reality". Now you see it, now you don't. I could sell snake oil to a snake! If you want to 'know' the 'truth', and what's really happening, just ask Me. I'll tell you the 'honest truth', I cross my heart of stone that I'll always be 'truthful' no matter what it's about. Really. No kidding, I really will. I wouldn't lie to anyone, no matter how much I would want to. I've 'never' told a lie in my whole miserable life, and that's no lie. Honest. Do I 'look' like a liar? Huh? Well, do I??'

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While addressing veterans at a Missouri convention, President Donald…

Monday, July 23, 2018

"Hoax", It's All One Big "Hoax"

'Hoaxy-poaxy, it's all a big fat lie! It's a "hoax" I tell you, a "hoax"!
But wait, let me clarify my statement, and the word "hoax". First, my statement was obviously taken out of context by the "fake news" medias which as we all know by now, according to your's truely, are just liars extraordinaire! Why do they do that? Don't I make myself look bad enough without their "fake news" help? I mean really! Remember, the "news media is America's enemy". Let's all keep that in mind. We have met the enemy, and they are the news reporters. So, as you can (not to be confused with the word 'can't') see, my statement is not what it first appeared to be. I'm glad I could 'clear' that up satisfactorly. There should be "no" more questions about that. I said "no" more.
Now as for the word "hoax", that is a word that can mean a lot of things, depending on how I use it. When I used it in my statement, I simply meant that everywhere one looks, a "hoax" can be found somewhere. Any place. Some folks have even labeled Me as a certified, card carrying, "hoax". How crazy is that!? Really?? I mean, do I look like a "hoax"? How can I possibly look like a "hoax" when I'm the kin...er, President of America? Everyone loves me here in my kingdom. Everyone! I'm loved everywhere, especially in my adopted country of Russia. But we know that it is not true that I'm a mindless "hoax", I actually have a great mind, this is simply another "fake news" "hoax". See how it works. No one should pay any attention at all to the words I mutter. Pay attention to what I do, or at least to what my underlings do at my directions. Right now we are busy eradicating all things Obama, and Hillary. I mean everything and every one who has ever been even midly associated with that illegal border jumper, and that vote buying liar. Did you know that six million illegal immigrants, including Obama,voted for her, and she still lost. By the way have I ever mentioned that I won by seven million votes. Great numbers! Unbelievable numbers! More that Lincoln had! By the time I am finished, Obama's name will be erased from every book, every written notice of him. No one will even remember that he ever existed. He is the one that will be remembered as a "hoax". I will be remembered as the greatest President that America has ever had to suffer, and hardly as a "hoax". Just ask any Republican. Really. I'm not just 'hoaxing' around here!'

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On Sunday, President Donald Trump tweeted this: "So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn't he do something about it? Why didn't he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that's why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!!!"

Friday, July 20, 2018

‘I Can’t Believe Michael Would Do This With Me’

Trump says 'your favorite President did nothing wrong'

‘I Can’t Believe Michael Would Do This With Me’. I mean, how could he do this 'to' me?? I thought he was my best pal! My best one! Remember that time he said he'd take a bullet for me? Was he just kidding about that? He seemed so sincere at the time. He even gave me an extra little hug when he whispered it in my ear just before he got up to go to work. Disgusting liar! Lawyers can never be trusted with secret illegal stuff! What a snake in the grass! He's worse than I am! He's trying to make me look bad, and that's my job! No one can do that better than I! Ratfink! Don't even Think of a 'pardon' finkboy!
But let me take a moment and opaquely clear this up once and for all, which will appease my wonderful common sense blind, and tunnel visioned 'base', especially any faithful Republicans that might be left still willing to jump, like the lemmings they surely are, off any cliff with me. Actually, I'd prefer they jump off ahead of me, which would give me a moment to reconsider my own foolish demise. So, here's the 'truth', as I see it from my own muddled thought process; I didn't, not to be confused with the word, 'did', do it. The obvious difference here is the two letters, 'n't' following the word 'did'. So again, I didn't do it. See the glaring difference? Which means that instead of 'doing' it, I simply didn't, do it. Right now we all know that I'm innocent until proven guilty. Luckily, as President I can't even be charged with a crime, so it follows that I can't, not to be confused with the word, 'can', be convicted when I can't even be charged in the first place. Isn't our Constitution a wonderful thing!? In other words, I'm untouchable, invinceable, and way above the 'laws of the land' that governs my common serfs. That's why I'm 'King' and they are not. Now, as to this alleged tape recording where I may or may not have conspired with my ex pal to make payments to some sleezy whore that supposedly I had been shaking up with while my faithful wifie was heavy with child, it's all "fake news". Just like anything else that looks like the truth, this will be proven to be an un-truth. Just listen to the tape, that is if there even is one, and you will quickly see that the voice that is alleged to be my own could be anyone else that simply 'sounds' like me. Probably Clinton or that immigrant Obama. Hey, I never even met that woman, so how could I have ever had a year long steamy sexual affair with her while my ever faithful pregnant wifie thought I was at work all those nights?? How? See? Impossible.
So there! Let this be a learning lesson to those few foolish people who would even begin to believe such a story as this. I have never, ever told a lie to my subjects, my faithful serfs, who believe every word that I have ever uttered. My 'Christian' faith has always guided my every action in life, and as we all know, I'd never do anything that would cast a dim light on myself, my faith, especially all my evangelical voters, my family, my kingdom, or my subjects. But hey, that's just me, that's who I am, and I'm sure that this explains this lie away, and that we can now move on to more inportant stuff, like for instance my invitation to my BFF-FWB Putin to come for a sleepover at my castle in the fall. I'm so excited, just a I know every American is as well! What a wonderful, peace loving guy! I can hardly wait to entrust him with some of America's best kept secrets. He promised to show me 'his', if I show him 'mine' first. What a joy he is!'


He made the comment after being briefed on a report about Cohen’s…