Friday, June 30, 2017

They've Landed On Mars!


This BREAKING 'News' just in, here at 'BBSN', the 'News' Channel you can always trust with the First, and Last 'news' of the day. Our 'special' news guy BuddyBlack has been on this story since it broke a few days ago. Now this;

 A 'special' investigative team from the White House consisting of Steve Bannon, the Presidents 'invisible' Puppeteer, Kellyann Conway, the Presidents official flappable 'Mouth' piece, and Vice President Pence, Jesus' right hand man, has made a 'one way' sojourn to the not far enough away, planet Mars. Unfortunately for 'them', but not so much for humanity, the President refused to budget enough money for a round trip fare on the 'Good Ship Trumpity-Pop' claiming that his 'wall' is actually more important to him than replaceable 'minions'. However, and how 'lucky' for them, they do have enough food and water for about two weeks. Unfortunately for the rest of them, Kellyann has the only firearm, smuggled through 'Space Customs'.
The good news so far is that they have determined that, no, there is not a NASA "child slave colony on Mars" as first 'reported' by Fox News. However, they 'have' found all the ships, and airplanes that have over the years 'disappeared' in the Bermuda Triangle. They also found Amelia Earhart, Bugs Bunnies 'Lucky Foot', Jimmy Hoffa's cement filled shoes, and unbelievably, the candy company that makes those yummy namesake Candy Bars that have fattened earthlings up since way back when. During the last radio transmission from Mars, Kellyann was 'heard' proclaiming, 'there, now it's all mine!' NASA has now decided that at least for a few months, it is way too risky to attempt another trip to Mars, or at least until they can determine how long a human can subsist on candy bars.
A big shout-out to our intrepid, and 'dogged' reporter BuddyBlack for digging up the 'truth' like a dog with a bone to pick. Tune in again, you never know when unbelievable 'news' will strike.

See More
NASA says it’s not running a child slave colony on Mars

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Gonna "Trademark" That "Rainbow"!

'OMG! There I was just looking up at the sky doing my usual sky looking thing, because you 'know', that's where Jesus lives, when out of the corner of my holier than thou eyes I saw something that I'll just never forget. I usually carry a bottle of 'Wash the devil from my eyes' wash with me but unfortunatly I had used it all up earlier while watching the Jerry Springer show. But there it was just hanging up there in the sky, a big beautiful Rainbow just where one ought to be. But as I looked closer with my biblical eyes I could see some sort of unusual commotion up there, and an even 'closer' look revealed something that was just 'unbelievable', and if I hadn't seen it with my own heavenly bound eyes, even I would not have believed it possible! Crawling all over that beautiful God sent 'miracle' in the sky were hundreds, if not thousands of lusting, sweating, hearts throbbing, gay men, and 'especially' gay women, slipping and sliding, humping, and thumping, groping, and prodding, raping, and violating Gods 'Sky Miracle', along with oneanother, as if there were no tomorrow! OMG, I said to no one in particular, how can they 'do' that to such a beautiful heavenly body, not to mention 'each others' beautiful bodies? It was if I was held in the devils trance for hours it seemed. I lost all track of time and sense of self. I knew though that I was in the 'devils workshop' as the flames from hades swormed about my heating my body to near delerium degrees, sweat flowed from evey pore, my hands were like firebrands over my throbbing, fire sensitive body, oh, how I 'prayed' for a bottle of 'Wash the devil from my eyes' wash! But none I had, and so I was 'forced' to watch this 'revolting' sexual exhibition to it's final 'climax', which I thought would 'never' come.
Later, while 'recovering' from my devil induced ordeal, I thought, hey, "can we trademark the rainbow". I mean, afterall, 'it' belongs to God, and 'we' belong to God, and he 'invented' it for 'us', and not for those out of control gay people, especially those wild gay women. You know, I 'never' realized that 'women' do that sort of thing. How 'sinful'!

  But I'm gonna see about trademarking that rainbow so that the next time those gays think about fornicating with 'my' rainbow, they'll have to come see 'me'...for 'permission' that is. Praise the lord, and pass the eye wash!'

See More
Rainbow rape? Rainbow rage: Angry Christian activist Linda Harvey wants to trademark the rainbow to prevent it from being raped by gays and lesbians.

Who Will Cast The First Stone?

 'Yes' Stevie, the guy who's competing with ISIS to win top honors at the annual 'Chopping Block' fest, and off with their infidel right hands, and left foot. Lop off an ear or two, and slice off their protruding infidel noses while you are at it. Toss them from a rooftop, boil them in peanut oil, rack and quarter them, yank their fingernails right out, and even treat them badly by calling them horrible biblical names. There! That should 'teach' them a 'christian' example of 'love thy neighbor, and the subtle art of 'tolerance' as prescribed by Radicalized Evangelicals. Oh, how your mother must be so very 'proud' of her 'stone'em to death' sonny boy, a 'true' testament to his 'faith'. Who will cast the first stone? WWJD?
                                           And the 'difference' between ISIS terrorists, and these radialized 'christian' 'terrorists, 'is'?

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"Trump Hurt His Own Voters"

 GeeeWhiz! We 'tried' to tell you, tried to 'warn' you, tried to get you to pull your heads out of his arse. But no, you wouldn't, couldn't, refused, to listen. You 'voted' for a 'snake oil saleman' that wanted to be 'your' President, and who vowed to "deconstruct" America as we knew it. You 'thought' that was a 'good' idea, and that he 'loved' you, and would look out for you. You clapped, clapped, clapped, when you 'heard' him 'speak' your language, when he 'promised' you wealth, and happiness. He 'seemed' to be a Knight in shining armor sent to you by God himself. He promised you he would "make America great again", even though it was pretty great already without his 'help'. Then even when you saw that you had been fOOled by this sharlatan, you continued to make excuses for his terrible actions, and you tried to condone his serial lies. And now you cry 'foul'. Really? You helped create this monster, and 'now' you whine that you have been fooled? 'Now' will you do the right thing, and work to rid America of this serial liar that is hellbent on destroying our country, of which Kentucky just happens to be part of? You are welcome to come join the world of 'common sense', a world that Trump has no clue of.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Kelly Says, "Get A Job"!

'Hey you lazy adults out there, get a friggin' job already! Come On people! Hey, I got a 'job'. If I can get one you can get one too! It's not that hard to do! You don't even have to be even 'nearly' good lookin', or even intellegent. I mean, hey, look at 'me'. See what I 'mean'? I'm living 'proof' on that one! I got a great 'job' doing what I do best, whatever that is. And I've got great insurance so I don't 'have' to worry about medical bills and stuff like that. You 'know', like regular, commoners worry about. Me? Shoot, I don't have to 'worry' about 'anything anymore because my pal takes care of 'me'! It's not 'my' fault that commoners are too lazy to find themselves a 'sugardaddy' BFF-FWB boss like I did. I've got it made in the shade! No one can take this 'job' and 'benefits' away from me. And after we take away Medicaid from all these lazy Americans that are practically 'stealing' from the federal government, the unemployeement ranks will go down to practically zero which will make my 'boss' look good so that he can take credit for saving America from its lazy self. And you can bet the farm that we won't stop there! How about that 'Medicare' 'feed wagon' that lazy Americans belly up to. And how about that 'useless' Social Security benefits slop bucket! As my 'boss' likes to say, "you ain't seen nothing yet!" So stop it with the whining and go out and get a good paying job at Burger King and get some good insurance in case you get sick eating there. Geeeez! Americans are so lazy! Why can't all Americans be more like 'Me'! America would be such a 'better' place. So let's hear a really big 'shout-out' for my 'boss', and the way he's 'saving' America, and 'making' it a 'great' place again. Remember how it 'used' to be such a terribly broken down old rusty junk wagon of a country, and look now how 'everyone's' happy, and 'content', especially the rich people with good jobs, and health insurance. It's not your 'government' that's supposed to be looking out for 'lazy' Americans. Your government is officially out of the 'take care of Americans' business! Get a job!'

See More
Reality check: Most of them have jobs already.|By Jonathan Cohn

Sean Can't "Face Reporters"

Cockroaches do not like the 'light' of day, just as Spicer does not like the 'light' of 'cameras' that show him for what he really is. He would rather do his little 'minion' talks out of view of the American public, and with no 'light' shining on him that would illuminate his 'hand puppet' act.. This is his, and his puppeteers way of keeping the public in the 'dark', while controlling, and weakening the media, which Trump hates, and dimming the lights on 'transparency' in government. This has absolutely Nothing to do with "because it would distract from the President". There would be no 'distraction' in the first place if Trump and his minions would just tell the 'truth' when their lips move, instead of every other word coming out as a lie. I find it incredible that the 'media' has not rallied and stood up to this 'no camera' 'rule' that Spicer has instituted that is an obvious attack on freedom of the press'! Instead, they have kowtowed to Spicer's every move to control how they are 'allowed' to report on what our 'President' and his minions are doing in 'Our' White House.

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A Fox News host wanted to ask Spicer if he doesn't like going on camera, so he tracked him down for an exclusive on-camera interview.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

"No Tapes"..'Really'

Ahhh, the 'master' of "Fake News", 'Conspiracy mongering', 'little white lies', and "Alternative Facts" has 'spoken'. Or 'has' he? Is he 'now' at long last telling a 'truth', or does he still 'lie', as it is his nature to do so. With Trump, the serial liar, how do we 'know' for 'sure' that he is 'now' being 'truthful', or simply telling a 'lie' that he 'believes' is 'truthful. The only absolute way to determine if he is 'telling' a lie is to watch his lips; if they are 'moving', then he is telling a lie. If his lips are 'not' moving, he is simply 'thinking' of a lie to tell.  :/
 Americans should NOT be forced to 'demand' that our President, our Commander-In-Chief, be 'truthful', and accountable for his actions, or lack there of. He should 'act' like a President, and 'be' that President instead of pretending that this is some sort of 'reality' show where he must always get the "bigly" ratings. This is a 'man' who does not have the gonads to actually 'talk' WITH the Americans that his actions are affecting, but feels rather that he must secret himself in his Tweeting 'closet' in the wee hours of the night to rule by 'tweet' instead. Had there been an 'entrance' exam to become President of the United States he would have been' washed out' immediatly. Republicans, and his 'voters' KNEW he was not Presidential material 'then, and know it 'now', and yet they continue to bolster him, mainly because they cannot dare admit they were fooled by a 'snake oil' salesman. Unless Republicans, and his otherwise 'followers' come to their senses, and pull their heads out of his butt, it will take a hundred years, if Ever, for America to recover from his, and Bannons, (his puppet master) "deconstruction" of America. (!)
"I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings,” president tweets.|By Philip Rucker

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A 'Shot' In The Arse

Well, there you go. They have, with one single 'ruling' shot down 'Science', and the rule of 'evidence' in one fell swoop. So, it should 'logically' follow, in their own small minds, that 'criminally' speaking, a person can be "blamed" for a 'crime' "without definitive scientific evidence". No more of this silly 'innocent until proven guilty' stuff. The 'learned' EU Court has 'spoken' for the masses. This is a 'shot' in the arse for common sense. What 'were' they thinking, if at all.

The European Court of Justice has ruled that courts may consider whether a vaccine caused someone to develop an illness, even in the absence of any definitive…

This 'Human Condition'

As bad as this was, and as in the 'distant' past as it seems, I guarantee you that there is still a like 'mindset' still simmering in the minds of many white 'Americans' who if they could get away with it, as those depicted in this video clip did, would be more than happy to replicate those hateful actions on that beach. They were able to do this and get away with it because it was the 'norm' back then. A time when 'abnormal', was 'normal'. There were no enforceable 'laws' to hold them in check, unlike now. But 'laws' cannot hold 'in check' a mentality of racism, and hatred of things and people they refuse to, or simply cannot, understand and equate with. We fear most, the things we don't understand. And most often we refuse to 'understand' because we have been 'trained' all our lives to 'fear' it. It is a 'human condition' to fear, distrust, and often loath people and things that are diametrically opposed to ourselves. 'Segregation' only made that 'fear' worse. Here it is 2017, and the 'fear' and mistrust is still alive and kicking. If it's not 'fear' of Black Americans, it's of Americas 'Native Peoples,' or 'Orientals', or 'Middle Easterners', or 'Latinos'. The early 'Scottish', the 'Italians', the 'Irish', the 'Chinese' the 'Poles', you name it and they all took a 'beating' from racist 'Americans' who 'feared' them for whatever reasons. And yet with-in all these groups that have been, and are 'discriminated' against, 'they' too all practice their 'own' form of 'racism', and 'discrimination' of 'other' peoples that they themselves 'fear', and misunderstand. 'Racism', and the practice of 'discrimination' is not 'white Americas' burden alone to carry. Anyone who professes to the contrary is either a bold liar, or an ignorant fool drowning in wishful thinking. This 'human Condition' has been on fire since time immortal, and it will still be a burning issue hundreds of year on in the future. As bad as it seems to be 'now' it 'is' better 'now' than in the past. Humans cannot ever dare give up on working at getting along with, and understanding those who may be 'different' from each other. There is no perfect solution to this issue but there can, and should be common ground of peaceful coexistence where we work towards the common good of all races. The alternative can be seen in the World Wars of the past, and the 'wars' of 'religious' factions happening right now in the Middle Eastern countries. :/
"We were in the water maybe five minutes before this huge crowd started approaching us from the north and south. … A white kid came up to me, about my age. I had seen him around town. He must have had on brass knuckles; punched me in the face. He split my upper lip wide open."
Purcell Conway took part in efforts to integrate St. Augustine Beach in Florida. Watch his full, vivid account:

'We Beseech You!'

'..and lord, give us the strength to beat the living hell outta these SOB's, especially that dark skinned immigrant they came up with. And Lord, show us how to 'properly' walk in your footsteps of humility, love, and benevolence, and forgive us of the 'sins' that we are 'thinking', and for the pain we will inflict on these heathens, in your 'holy' name we beseech you to have mercy on 'us', and no pity on 'them'. Help us smite them with the Sword of 'God', and bathe in their 'blood', in your 'peaceful' name. Amen.'


Cherry Picking 'Causes'

 Where are the 'street protests', the mobs, and rioters raging in the business districts of our large cities, in our 'learned' Universities, why so very absent on this issue? It's simply because we choose to 'cherry pick' our social 'causes' that we are willing to rage against. Some 'causes' are easier to toss 'gasoline' on which creates a larger 'flame' than others. The media does a very 'good' job of doing just that. And like moths drawn to a flame, we fly to it without abandon while other 'causes' needing even 'more' attention fall by the wayside, and just smolder, and no one pays even a bit of attention.

Monday, June 19, 2017

'Kimmy', The 'Benevolent'

'My Dear Esteemed President Trump, my almost BFF, as you have honorably requested, I have forgiven, and released your thief of a citizen, Otto Warmbier, under condition that he never return 'alive' to my benevolent, and friendly country of North Korea. When released he was in the 'best' of 'health' that any prisoner of my 'gentle' country could 'ever' be in. Our level of medical treatment is second to 'none'. He even expressed his desire to remain In our scenic, and tourist 'friendly' country forever, but I convinced him in my 'special' subtle ways that he should return home as quickly as possible in order to spend his remaining and most 'healthy' years among his own countrymen. How 'sad' he was to leave the 'safety' of my 'protection'. What a 'pleasure' is was to have Otto in his 'innocently', youthful exuberance flitting about hither and yon, like a colorful butterfly. Please send him my personal admiration, and invitation to feel 'free' to visit our colorful tourist 'mecca' any time he should 'feel' like it. And of course that extends to Any 'live' American citizen with an 'adventurous' soul.
Best regards, your 'almost' BFF 'lover, The Benevolent Grand Putz, Kimmy.'

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Warmbier, a University of Virginia student, returned from North Korea last week in a coma.|By Anna Fifield

It's a 'Bali' Hole

'Hey fellow helmeted guys, look at this cool 'hole' I found over here! Do we have 'gophers' here in Bali? I know what! Lets see where it leads to. Who wants to go first? How about this, whoever's wearing 'flipflops' goes first. What 'is' this place anyhow? Ok, let's all follow 'flipflop' guy. Hey, what's the worst that 'could' happen? As they 'say' in Bali, Last one in's a rotten fish head!!'

The fugitives, who the authorities say dug a 50-foot tunnel under a prison wall on the Indonesian resort island, include an Australian man who was set to be released within three months.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

"Alternative Facts" Poll

'Fellow Americans, especially all the tone deaf members of my 'Tum-Pet' fan club, I have astounding, incredible, totally 'Un-believable' 'news' to share with you this morning, a time when most Americans with any sense at all would be fast asleep and not worrying about 'popularity polls' as I, myself am prone to do. Fantastic 'news'! Wow! Wait 'til you hear it. Just wait. 'This' time I'm not even making this stuff usually do. A 'well researched', and deeply 'scientific' 'poll' of at least three vapid Republicans shows beyond a 'reasonable' doubt that I, His Majesty Donald trump, is now more popular, and 'loved', by more Americans than that disgusting Obama what's his name. The poll 'reveals' that I am even more 'popular' than those city leaders in Cleveland that were indicted for providing poisonous Water to their constituents. The poll also showed that given a choice between stepping barefoot onto a large, rusty, cat feces encrusted construction nail, or having lunch with me in a 'Porta-John', most people would have lunch with me. Incredible! Huge numbers! Never seen before. I'm more popular than Jesus! I 'could' be the next 'Pope'. Do Catholics 'vote'? Gotta put that on my 'to do' list. Well, must go now. Must turn Fox 'news' on and see what's 'really' going on in the world. Always 'truthful' about me. 'Factual'. I wonder who won the Winter Olympics. Russia has some really great athletes. Wonderful people. Can't wait to buy another great 'poll' results. Who say's 'money can't buy happiness'? I'm the best! I'm the 'man'! Eat your sorry heart out Obama. By the way Obama, by the time I'm finished erasing your name, and memory from the history books, no one will even know you 'tried out' as President. Big fail! Loser! I'm the greatest. That's why I'm President, and you're not".'

See More
Trump was alone with his thoughts at 4 AM and was on the President's mind wasn't any number of challenges facing the United States and the world, but how he was…|By Jason Easley

Friday, June 16, 2017

"Extremely Safe"

 "Extremely safe".   Oh very well, and of course the 'benefits' of visiting 'friendly', 'freedom loving' North Korea far outweigh the bad.  Well, for instance, you would get just the very 'best' medical care that a 'friendly' little fat dictator could provide. And..well, let's see..what else would be really 'fun' there..Oh, those snappy public 'Executions' of  'family' members by Anti-Aircraft firing squads are always a big hit with 'special' discounted tour tickets. And those military 'upmanship' parades with those zillions of little goose stepping army guys...great fun! Oh, you could even get a 'chance', however 'remote' of  'visiting' one of Kimmy's 5 Star prisons! What a 'treat' those comfy retreats have become! Accolades pour in all the time over how wonderful the 'staff' are, and how overly accommodating they are to foreign 'visitors'. Oh, and right now, if you visit within the next few days you can hob-nob with that tattooed, suck-up guy with all those facial/ body piercings, Dennis something or other, who's playing as Trumps 'front man', gonna "open a door" for his Other hero Donald Trump. I guess because Trump is absolutely clueless as to How to "open" his 'own' doors. So, as one can 'see', this 'friendly' little backwoods country of  North Korea is quite the tourist 'attraction', especially for those with little expectations, and those accustomed to living out the rest of their miserable lives in a 'Mini Cell', or as we can see, even Worse. "Extremely safe" in North Korea would be like saying, 'running barefoot in a sand pit full of razorblades, broken glass, and cat poop, would be fun, and 'almost' safe'.

Otto Warmbier Came Home in a Coma. Travel Company Says North Korea Is ‘Extremely Safe!’

Tourists and their guides visiting the Arch of Triumph in Pyongyang, North Korea, in April. Credit Ed Jones/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

'He Made Me Do It'

'WaaaaaWaaa! He made me do it! I didn't 'want' to! I told him I didn't want to fire that guy but he twisted my 'hand shaking' arm, and pinched my little hands, and made me do it! I never use my own brain to think of stuff. Where was my 'special' BFF Stevie? Stevieeeee! Come here and massage my swelling 'ego'. Why do people always get me in trouble? Huge trouble. Bigly! Witch hunt! Waaaa! I'm not having any fun any more! No ones ever been treated this badly before. Ever! Can I 'fire' 'myself? Maybe it's in that 'Constitution' thing I never bothered to 'read'. Why is everybody always picking on me, poor, poor, pitiful me? WaaaaWaaaa..Kelly, Stevie...Waaaaa! '

"I am being investigated for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt"

Thursday, June 15, 2017

'Walk the 'Walk''

Well, he wasn't so very 'concerned' about the unbridled proliferation of Firearms, and the steady drone of nut cases killing innocent people before 'Now'. Where has he been before Now? And so 'now' he thinks something should be done???  Really? Well, until now he has supported the very person, in Trump, who opened this little hate filled 'Pandora's Box' of  horrors the contents of which has now poisoned American politics, and our society, and just about all who come in contact with it. He needs to start at the 'Top' if he really wants to fix this problem. As long as Davis, and his up to now, narrow minded supporters of Trump 'no matter what', continues to make excuses for, and prop up a dysfunctional President, and protect Steve Bannon, Trumps Puppeteer, nothing will change for the good. Talk is cheap. If Davis is 'really' serious, he will stop the 'talk', and walk the 'walk'.

We Are Our Own Worst 'Enemy'

"We have met the enemy, and he is us".


"Our society is angry and awash in guns." —Christopher Strain|By Sean D. Illing

'Disturbingly Numb'

As I Have said before, "We shoot, we cry, we re-load, and shoot again". Americans are becoming disturbingly numb to 'deaths by Firearm'. A little 'initial' shock, a little tear in the corner of an eye, a fit of 'concerned' bluster, the sun goes down, and then comes up on a new day, and life for the living goes on as usual. 'Leadership' begins at the 'top', what occurrs there, occurrs at the bo...ttom. As long as the 'leadership' at the top is in 'bed' with those intities which have a $$vested$$ interest in the unbridled proliferation of Firearms, and as long as they 'vote' as dictated by those entities, 'death by Firearm' will continue to be 'business as usual' in America. We shoot, we cry, we re-load, and shoot again.

'Sweet Repose', a poem by BuddyBlack

'Sweet Repose', a poem by BuddyBlack

'Sweet Repose'

While peacefully...
I slumbered
Upon my
Grassy bed,
A buzzard
Was circling,
About my
Napping head.
He fluttered
For a closer
And Oh!,
What Avian
He took!
He pecked
Not once,
Not twice
But thrice,
Upon my
Sleepy nose.
Not hard,
But just
To rouse
Me from
My Sweet Repose.
Now, eye
To eye,
And beak
To beak,
So startled
I could
Not speak,
I counted
And Nose,
And found
I still
All my
I sent
Him on
His hungry
And this
I made
And will
Always keep;
To not
To lay
And try
To sleep,
Where buzzards
Play and eat.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

'Trusty' Trustees

Let's see now..., one "was serving life without parole for two counts of aggravated assault, two counts of armed robbery, possession of a firearm during crime, and now he has murdered a hero. He is originally from Tennessee and is a known sociopath." The Other "was serving time for aggravated assault, armed robbery, burglary, four counts unlawfully entering vehicles, two counts of identity theft, two counts of fraudulent credit card usage, robbery, theft, four counts of credit chard theft, criminal trespassing, eluding police, obstruction, and more." All This, and these two Murderers, in the eyes of some idiot 'Corrections warden', were deemed 'trusty' enough to be placed on a "work detail", out in the public venue where they were able to Murder their guards, and escape. It's likely that before these two are captured or hopefully killed themselves, more deaths of innocent people, and mayhem will ensue. The Warden of this prison should be held accountable for this travesty every step of the way, including anything that happens while they are dangerously on the loose. The total responsibility lies with that Warden. None of this would have occurred had these animals remained securely locked up as they should have been. !!!!

'Oh No, My Boat Won't Float!'

 OMG! Is he a 'graduate' of the on-line 'Donald Trump "Alternative Facts" Turn Your Brain To Mush' course?? Silly boy should have 'known' that his 'Ark' would never pass the 'float' test. This is his 'reward' from his 'God' for pretending to be a modern day 'Noah'. Why does he not 'question' why his 'God' has let his little get rich sceme flounder like a guppy out of water? Oh, yeah, it's always easier to blame someone else for ones own stupidity. Ken is such a 'ham'.