Monday, May 4, 2020

Yeaaaa! No More "Plague"!

'My fellow 'tweeter' followers, and my trumpy 'cult' members alike, let me be the first to congratulate my royal self and of course, my personal White House, 'spiritual advisor', for calling a 'halt' to this heaven sent, "plague" that has swept our shrinking planet of so many useless "souls". A big shout-out and a round of rowdy applause, 'clap, clap'. I don't know where I'd be without her god given advice. Some where. I don't know. Maybe someplace else. We'll see.
Speaking of 'plagues', did I mention, "And then came a Plague, a great and powerful Plague, and the World was never to be the same again! But America rose from this death and destruction, always remembering its many lost souls, and the lost souls all over the World, and became greater than ever before!" I'm sure that you feel relieved. I sure do. Mike? How about you? Sure you do, ahhh, you can stop nodding your head now Mike, I've made my point. What a very good finger puppet!
Remember folks, I was there 'with' you, leading by example, charting your course through the darkness of this "plague". But that's just me. That's what I 'do'. Right? Right?? You can count on me to think of you first.
My 'numbers', no, not the numbers of dead American's, my 'poll' numbers, are the highest ever! Way up there. Really high. Huge numbers! I don't know why a few people, Democrats and "fake news" people, speak so badly of me. I just don't get it. I really 'don't'.
America's first President, Lincoln, had the same problems. The lying 'media' hated him too. Disgusting trolls. "Hoax" news, CNN, was always there trying to make him look bad. Disgusting "enemy of the people"! I mean, is that just crazy, or am I just insane!
And how about that ex-president 'Bush' guy. I see he's talking about how America should work together, crap like that. I mean, who 'does' that? Did he learn nothing? He's no friend of mine! “He was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!” Never defended me even once! That's why he's not the president anymore!
And speaking of 'numbers', I saved millions of lives all over the world. I'm pretty sure I'll be awarding myself with the 'Presidential Life-Saving Award'. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next week. We'll see. Millions of Americans want me to have it. Something will happen. Soon probably. Or maybe later.
Well, must get busy checking my, "you're fired" list, blocking medical experts from telling the truth, and other truthful witnesses from testifying against me, redacting reports, hiding incriminating evidence, making up more incredible lies, and conspiracy theories, applauding Armed Right-Wing Anti- Government Militias, you know, 'presidential' stuff that my cult members elected me to do for their wasted votes and misguided loyalty.
Remember, I am the only authoritarian figure you can 'trust'. Do not believe anything you read, see, or hear. The lying 'News media' is your sworn "enemy". Do not trust them. Trust only me. Everything but me, myself, and I, is a disgusting "hoax", and remember my very words, "I will never lie, unless I have to".'  

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