Friday, May 1, 2020

Trumps, "Good People"

THESE are the 'people' that trump, 'The Failed Leader', calls "good people". And this is just the tip of the preverbal iceberg of 'armed anti-government militia rebellion' that trump does not see as a problem in America. The Governor of Michigan, by doing absolutely nothing to prevent these militias, in the guise of 'social distancing' protestors, from this despicable un-American act, has simply given them a 'hall pass' because she is afraid to 'stir the pot' by acting strongly in the face of America's real enemy. If you think 'this' was bad, just wait until the 'Boy-King' is evicted from our nations White House in November. These despicable, armed anti-government right wing militias will be emboldened by their hero's subtle approval, and will do whatever they can to re-throne their 'Boy-King'.


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