Friday, May 1, 2020

Guns V Democracy

Here, once again, we have trump, 'The Deplorable', calling ARMED Anti-Government Militias who were attempting to storm and take over a state Capital building, "good people".
Contrary to his muddled brains assertions, these thugs, and societies misfits, are NOT "good people"! They are simply Armed, radicalized, Right Wing, Anti-Government Militia anarchists posing as 'Stay at Home', 'Social distancing', protestors who have taken this nations terrible pandemic event, and have used it to leverage their extreme right-wing 'political' power at the subtle nod of trump, their 'Hero-In-Chief'.
There were gun-toting protesters. There were speeches by protesters filled with misinformation. There were speeches by legislators pleading for compromise with the governor — or else they would see her in court. Whitmer drowned all of it out.

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