Thursday, May 21, 2020

'Rome burns while Nero fiddles'

Yesterday I posted this comment; "Ha! Fat chance of 'that' happening! The 'Boy-King' will simply claim 'Executive privilege' while boasting about his 'immunity' to all things that affect 'normal' people".
And now, while visiting that very plant that makes the ventilators, the very spoiled, egotistical, learning challenged, and very negligent 'Boy-King', refused to wear the 'mask', defying State Law, claiming that; “Not necessary,” Trump said, when a reporter asked why he was not wearing a facial covering.
“Everybody’s been tested and I’ve been tested.” Except that he, himself, has 'failed' the 'test' of humanity and common sense, proving once again, and again, and again, that 'stupidity' simply cannot be cured.
Trump also claimed “I had one [a mask] on before,” in an area that was not visible to reporters, but added, “I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it.”
“I was given a choice, and I had one on in an area where they preferred it". " an area that was not visible to reporters", which means he had his head up his arse, as usual, and, he worries needlessly, no one would possibly find, ".. the pleasure of seeing it".
Again the entitled, unsupervised 'Boy-King', has failed to lead, leaving America totally leaderless during a crisis that threatens to set America back decades, and one which we may never fully recover from. 'Rome burns while Nero fiddles'.

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