Sunday, May 10, 2020

"We Want Our Sports Back", Say's Trump

Trump congratulates Dana White for putting on UFC 249 during pandemic
President Donald Trump was featured in a pre-taped video during Saturday’s UFC 249 preliminary broadcast on ESPN, congratulating UFC president Dana White and the UFC for resuming operations and hosting the card during the global coronavirus pandemic.
“They’re going to have a big match,” Trump said during the broadcast. “We love it. We think it’s important – get the sports leagues back. Let’s play. We do the social distancing and whatever else you have to do, but we need sports. We want our sports back, and congratulations to Dana White and the UFC.”
UFC 249 at VyStar Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Jacksonville, Fla., was not only the first UFC card in the U.S. since the outbreak of coronavirus forced stay-at-home orders in most of the country but also the first major sporting event of any sort.
Although the UFC paired with the Florida State Boxing Commission and implemented several safety protocols to deal with COVID-19, there’s been plenty of criticism surrounding whether or not professional fighting should resume.
Danny Segura - USA News
And so, here we have trump, 'The Incompetent-In-Chief', finding nothing better to do during this terrible pandemic, than to concern himself with Dana White and his UFC putting on a brain damaging 'brawl' between two egomaniacs.
And speaking of 'egomaniacs';
“They’re going to have a big match,” Trump said during the broadcast. “We love it. We think it’s important – get the sports leagues back. Let’s play. We do the social distancing and whatever else you have to do, but we need sports. We want our sports back, and congratulations to Dana White and the UFC.” Says Mr. 'Head Up His Own Arse'. He is so full of "We's", as if he speaks for 'us', as he trolls for new 'voters' in the sports world. Nothing speaks of 'Incompetence' as well as trump himself. This, is America's 'leader', in abject denial of what the rest of the world knows as 'reality'. :/

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