Saturday, May 16, 2020

"Maybe it is overrated"

'My fellow minions and 'trum-cult' followers alike, as anyone with even a smattering of gray cells full well know, I am not only your, 'blind leading the blind', 'leader', I am also what you might call, an 'arm chair' physician of great note. I just happen to 'know' more about medial stuff, and things like that, than any of these so called, 'Medical Expert' scaredy-cats put together.
As I look around me, I have no idea who these people in masks actually are. What are they hiding from me?? I wish pence were here right now so that he could "look them in the eye", and identify them for me. I'm just clueless! Really.
But wait. This isn't about 'me', is it? Of course not. It's about my innate ability to 'be right' all the time. And how about these useless coronavirus tests! You probably wonder that as well. So let me throw some 'gasoline' on that subject, as I am want to do with anything that crosses my simple mind. Let me blather on about senseless testing for this virus, which many, many, people of all kinds, smart people, people like that, tell me, 'why are we mass testing all these people'? Well, I don't know either, but something tells me, you know, using my presidential "instincts", that 'mass testing' is not a good thing to do. Sure, sure, "We have the best testing in the world." “Could be that testing's, frankly, overrated. Maybe it is overrated." "Maybe it is". "Overrated". And stuff. But all I have to do is 'insinuate' that it's useless, and pretty soon my 'base' will parrot my every word and ignorant thoughts about it.
"We have more cases than anybody in the world, but why? Because we do more testing," “ … If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases." I'm sure every simple minded American that thinks I'm actually a medical doctor will agree with my 'professional' assessment. Right? My 'logic' here is that the more we 'test', the more we'll find 'more' of the virus cases which flies in the face of even more logic. Logic and common sense are even more "overrated" than that. You see, the higher the coronavirus cases go, the lower my numbers in the popularity polls go. That's really bad for the nation, the economy, my ratings, my royal image, which right now are the highest numbers of any president in world history.
Remember folks, 'do as I say, not as I do'. I'm the only voice you should listen to, you can 'trust' me on this. This time. Honest. Would I 'lie' to you? Would I??'  :/

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