Saturday, May 30, 2020

Violence Simply Begets More Violence

Even as terrible as the death of George Floyd certainly is, this unfettered 'rioting', yes, that's what the originally peaceful protesting devolved into, and the 'looting', again yes, 'looting', which is still considered a 'criminal offence, and the widespread 'torching', as in 'Arson', still considered a 'criminal' offence, of totally innocent private, corporate and federal businesses including the city's Police Station can never be excused nor called justifiable because of his death at the hands of a police officer who has now been charged with Murder, as will likely be the case in the other three officers that did nothing to prevent his death, of which there is no excuse. If 'race relations' was bad before this event, it surely will be even worse afterwards. The destruction of the very city they live in, is not an answer to anything, even to the death of George Floyd.
The criminal elements that wantonly created, and perpetuated these criminal acts should not be given a 'hall pass' of forgiveness, and should be brought to justice to answer for their crimes, just as the officer charged in Floyd's death.
Numerous innocent businesses throughout the city have been stupidly destroyed, many will likely never reopen, thousands of workers, both Black and White, along with many other races have now awoken up to no jobs. These many innocent persons will now suffer financial ruin and personal hardships that they may never recover from. Their own city will suffer financial hurdles that will require federal assistance in order to clean up a city ravaged by uncontrollable anger released in the form of civil violence. City, State, and federal Tax monies will now be required to be diverted from other infrastructure needs to now be used to repair the terrible damage done by these criminal rioters, looters, and arsonists, actions. This is akin to a surgeon blindly amputating a patients legs to repair a broken arm.
If you condone the criminal actions of these rioters, looters and arsonists, or call them anything but, then perhaps you are part of the 'problem', and not part of the 'solution' in seeing justice for George Floyd, and the betterment of 'race relations' in a city that had deep issues before, and now even deeper ones afterwards.

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