Wednesday, May 6, 2020

"I was right", Say's The Boy-King, "I was right"

'My fellow Minions, Middle Finger Puppets, and cult followers, “The one thing that the pandemic has taught us is that I was right,” “You know, I had people say, ‘No, no, it’s good. You keep — you do this and that.’ Now those people are really agreeing with me. And that includes medicine and other things, you know.” And you know what else?, get this, “like a miracle, it will disappear.” Poof! Just like that! All gone! Nobody knows where it will go, but doggone it, it'll be gone 'know'..., just gone. Somewhere. Stuff like that, and things. And you know what else? Sure, everyone wants to know. “We’re going to lose anywhere from 75, 80, to 100,000 people.” Can you imagine that!? I sure can. That's not 'too many' lives is it? I mean, shoot, America has lots, and lots of people 'willing' to sacrifice themselves for the good of the many. And I'm gonna make sure they don't have a choice!
And get this, “I think [Americans are] starting to feel good now. The country’s opening again. We saved millions of lives, I think.” "I think", so therefore I am, I am, says sam. I congratulate my royal self for saving millions, and millions of lives. I'm whatcha might call, 'A Lifesaver', or whatever. But that's just me, me, me. I think a lot. You know, about things. And stuff. And other things like that.
But don't you feel really, "good now"? Boy, I sure do, and I bet you do too. Especially if you don't have the virus running amok in your body! Right? I don't even sleep at night from thinking about things. But that's my job. Right? I've always 'thought' stuff.
And guess what else. "The one thing that the Pandemic has taught us is I was right". Right? Right?? As usual, I was "right", just as I always 'am', because I'm never wrong, about 'anything'. Really. Right?? Remember, don't waste your vote in November! Really! Don't do it!'

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