Wednesday, May 27, 2020

"...or close them down", say's The Boy-King

trump, 'The Dictator-In-Chief', has raised the 'flag' of his true dictatorial colors!
"Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen". "..totally silence conservative voices." You 'know', like it's actually happened before. Had that been the case, he would never have been 'elected', well, not by 'popular' vote anyway, in the first place. And yet, here he is, contrary to his own conspiracy pandering's.
"We will strongly regulate, or close them down..", you 'know', just like a 'real' dictator would do, someone like, ahhh..oh yeah, like one of his ruthless BFF-FWB dictators that he is so hugely proud of.
The 'Boy-King', obviously, has become so full of himself that he has stupidly mistaken our Democratic Nation for some third world country where he can do anything he wishes, including destroying the 'Freedom of The Press', and 'Freedom of Speech', no matter the consequences.
This egomaniac has gotten away with telling hundreds of lies per week to the point of ad-nauseum. Now, when he is being 'called out' on those lies, and his incredible conspiracy theories, his paranoia has become inflamed to the point of trashing our Constitution in order to get his childish, entitled, way. Many words can be used to define this bully-boy, but a good one is, 'Delusionally incompetent'. Well, I 'know', that's 'two' words, but who's counting anyway. He is what he is.
An amendment should be added to our Constitution that requires any candidate running for the Oval Office, to undergo a battery of psychological tests. trump, 'The Serial Liar', would have been eliminated right away.

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