Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Antiquated 'Elctoral College' 'Vote'

This whole absurd, easily 'bought and paid for', Electoral College, is the most idiotic, political scamming of the Popular Vote, that next to trump, 'The Incompetent Boy-King', has ever plagued our nation! This dysfunctional system of 'electing' a president simply makes a mockery of the adage, "One man, One vote".
Right HERE in what is 'supposed' to be a 'democracy', where the 'majority' vote is supposed to rule the day, is in effect, a total farce that literally destroys the notion that 'every vote' counts. While indeed 'every' vote may be 'counted', it matters little when those 'votes' don't really 'count' towards who will 'win' an election, simply because of one or two 'Electoral' voters can instantly negate the majority vote count.
America stupidly, and blindly, allows the future of our nation to be held in the sweaty, greedy, egotistical, secretive hands of a few shady individuals who have their own personal, and self serving political agendas that serve only themselves and the candidate of their own choice. This is a terribly flawed, and undemocratic system which is self evident by virtue of its latest fiasco, and current imposition upon our nation in the form of 'trump', 'The Unsupervised Boy-King', its current nightmare.
And now, because trump has 'weighted' the now useless, 'Supremely Political Court' in his favor there is little chance that American's will ever be able to cast their ballet, and even remotely expect that their vote, even if by majority 'count', will actually make a difference in America's future.
trump, 'The Inconceivable', has, in only 3.5 years, managed to shred America's Constitution, which prior to his despicable arrival, protected our nation from the likes of him, destroyed the 'Rule of Law', wrote a new definition of 'Ethics In Government', or lack thereof, and self crowned himself as America's 'Boy-King', ensuring that his pathetic dynasty will rule America and our lives, for miserable years to come.
And all this, due to this antiquated, and easily 'bought' Electoral College.

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