Monday, May 11, 2020

'I Don't Need No Stinkin' Mask'

'Hey, those old guys 'volunteered' to be there! They were so happy to be in my royal, unmasked, presence! They wanted to look right into my lying eyes. Can't do that while wearing a mask. Can you? Right? They were obviously aware of the mortal chances they were taking. I mean, everyone 'knows' their chances with me, no matter what. Right? But huge numbers of really old veterans. Thousands and thousands of them turned out to see me. 'WW I' veterans! Great guys! And really, there was absolutely 'no chance' of anyone catching a stray virus, especially from me, their beloved 'Boy-King'.
I get tested many times a day! I'm untouchable! Did you know that? The wind. Very strong wind. Not sure where wind comes from, but boy it was there alright! Really strong. You should have seen it! I sure did. Hurricane force winds! All over the place. Look at my flaxen hair! Flying all over the place! What a wind! Blew those viruses far, far, away. They just disappeared! Wind is really strong you know. You can actually 'see' the wind, especially when it's raining, and, you know, stuff like that. But, a 'mask'?, I don't need no stinkin' mask! I breathe 'in', but I don't ever breathe 'out', you know, like 'normal' people do.
There was no danger. I promise that they will all die of old age before they have a chance of catching this virus, or whatever it's called. Honest. You can 'believe' me on this one. Would I ever lie to you? Would I? Well??'

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Occupy Democrats
10 hrs

🔥 OMG. Trump just gave an HORRIFIC defense of not wearing a mask alongside 90-year-old WW2 veterans. 🔥
To demand that Trump and Pence wear face masks in public, sign here 👉
Video by Occupy Democrats host Brian Tyler Cohen

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