Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Tip of The Iceburg

This is just the 'tip of the iceberg' of American society that is melting down at an incredibly fast rate. trump, 'The Deplorable', opened 'Pandora's Box' long ago, and these are the nightmares that continue to slither out to infect America with their 'insanity contagion'. I am not a 'dooms-day'er' nor a 'crystal ball' reader, but the 'writing' is on the 'wall'. There was a time, two times notably, the 1st and 2nd WW's, when Americans united to fight a common enemy. We met the enemy, and prevailed. Those days are past, and not likely to be seen again. Now, in a time of national and global crisis, we have 'met the enemy', only to discover that, 'we' are our own worst 'enemy', and we are fighting amongst ourselves, faction against faction, party against party, family against family, and losing our democracy, our morals, our ethics, and credibility in the eyes of the whole world in the process. Three and a half years ago I 'predicted' that, post trump, or a continuation of his failed 'leadership', it would take a few decades for America to heal from his egotistic excesses, but now, I think America will still be suffering in some fashion for twice as long if not longer, more likely the latter. It simply depends as to whether trump is evicted in November or remains as a, 'Squatter-In-Dynasty', in our White House for another 4 years. The longer we 'fight' one another, the longer the nightmare. :/

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