Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!

What!???? The 'Boy-King' told another lie????? Oh my! How could this be? He has been so 'truthful' up to this sad moment in time.
But then, he has been known to say this, about telling the 'truth'; "I do try, and I always want to tell the truth," . "When I can, I tell the truth. I mean sometimes it turns out to be where something happens that's different, or there's a change. But I always like to be truthful."
Yeah, so he 'likes' "to be truthful", When he "can" that is.
So, just another lie, while creating just another distraction, while just lying to America, and the world in general.
America's 'Liar-In-Chief', doing what he does best, or worst, of.


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