Sunday, May 3, 2020

"I will never lie to you", Says McEnany

'Well, gosh, golly gee, hold on while I wrap that concept around my little blond trumpy head, so, let me answer that disgustingly, insulting question using my Royal Puppet Masters very own words; "I will never lie to you", 'know', 'Unless I have to'. Kinda like..right now? That's right, you heard me 'correctly' "never", never, ever, scouts honor, cross my fingers, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, I 'promise' to never, ever, tell a lie. Or what ever.
And while we are on the truth revealing 'lie' subject, my 'master' told me to tell you that "He never lies",...unless he has to.
Well, that's about all the 'truth' that America can handle for one day, so be sure to tune in tomorrow for another revealing, 'Made For TV', installment of, 'The White House Truth or Consequences', press conference'. 
But Kayleigh McEnany, the president’s fourth press secretary, found that vow tested almost immediately.

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