Friday, May 29, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment number 3

'Ask Buddy', Installment number 3

Looks like another 'help me' request has came in while I slumbered! Boy! They Just keep rolling in! Whew!! I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep up with 'so many' 'Ask Buddy' requests! So 'overwhelming'! But enough about 'me', let's see if we can solve someone else's problem.

Dear Buddy,
 Big problem! Really huge! Ya gotta help me buddy! You just gotta!!
Here's the thing Buddy. You see, I have three (3) girlfriends, and neither one of them knows about the other two. It's killing me Buddy! They are wearing me out! I'm tired all the time, can't sleep, can't eat, can't even think straight anymore! I can barely get 'it' up anymore! Call me crazy, but I gotta get out of this before it literally kills me! What should I do??
'Crazy problem In Vegas'.

Dear 'Crazy In Vegas,'
"Problem"? I had to read your letter twice! I thought you said you have a "huge problem". You must be a 'gambler'! You have "three girlfriends", 'and then I met a man who had none'. Yes, you are "Crazy" in more ways than one! But, 'help' you I must. Be 'warned' though, that I can 'help' you with only 'part' of your so-called, "problem".
"gotta get out of this before it literally kills me". Well 'Crazy', I can guarantee the "get out" part, but I don't work miracles ref the last part.
Here's what you should do; Send me photo's and phone numbers of two, no sense taking on more than I can manage, of your, soon to be 'ex-girlfriends'.
Then construct a really big poster, and on it in huge letters write, "I have three 'ignorant' girlfriends, and neither one of them knows about the other two".
Then, after making sure that your medical Insurance policy is current, pack a 'bug-out' bag, and survival gear, and plan your escape route.
Now, post that sign in your front yard, call one of your 'girlfriends' and invite her over, and then make good use of your escape route. Oh, and delete this letter!

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