Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Mr. 'Know It All'

'First, I'd like to compliment myself on my perpetually, designer, curly 'locks'. You may often wonder, 'how does he keep those copious curls so curly?' Only my hair dresser knows for sure. And you may also ask, 'why doesn't senator Paul wear a mask, like everyone else around him does?' And I say to that question, 'I am now impervious to the coronavirus. I have 'seen the elephant', and forever more I shall laugh in the face of this virus. Am I concerned that I, 'The Impervious', might still be a 'carrier' of the virus, and that I might infect innocent people? And the answer is...., Of course not! I'm not concerned at all. Did you know, as I myself do, that there is 'scientific proof' that when a person survives the virus, that person can 'never' get it again.
Lot's, and lots, very many, of very smart people, you know, like, Republican politicians, the President, the Vice President, 'smart' people like that, tell me that there's nothing to worry about anymore. All is well, Emergency is over. No more dead people. Absolutely no children between the ages of 0-16 have died from this flu. I sure didn't. You wont either. Throw away your crutches, your canes, your virus masks, your worries.
Did I mention that I'm an 'ophthalmologist'. Yep, I sure am, so that makes me a 'virus' expert. Of course I gave up being a physician to become a politician. Who ever heard of a millionaire 'doctor'. And of course, I can't remember the last time I operated on someone's eyeball, but that, 'ophthalmologist' handle, sure gets votes!
Hey, how about that 'know it all', Dr. Fauci! Thinks 'he' knows everything about the virus! Well, I know stuff too! All he does is 'predict' really bad things, that never come true. "The history of this will be wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction,” “And as much as I respect you Dr. Fauci, I don't think you're the end all.”
“I don’t think you're one person who gets to make a prediction,” you know, like when children can go back to school. What's he worried about?? I mean, who 'does' that? Besides, that's 'my' job! I 'promise' that no child will get sick because of my own blundering, abject stupidity.
Hey Dr. Faici!, NaaaNaaaaNaaNaaNaaaaaa!'

See More
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., clashed with Dr. Anthony Fauci on Tuesday during a Senate Health Committee hearing, telling the public health official he is not the “end all” when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic while pressing him for information about immunity for those who have beaten the disease ...

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