Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What an "Honor"!

'Am I really great, or is it just 'me'!? Incredible numbers! Like you've never seen before! No other president could do what I've done! Only 90,000 Americans dead! Can you believe that? Only 90,000 and counting! And how about the 1.5 million Americans that became infected. That's nothing!, I draw that many trumpers every time I walk out of the White House! But hey, America has lots of people. Millions to spare. And how about those numbers of Americans that stupidly came down with the virus but lived! Is that 'great' or what!? Highest number in the world, right?
Just the other day I was lambasting CDC, doctors, and anyone who actually believes that 'testing' does any good at all. Remember that one? Yeah, how could anyone ever forget how I said that testing is "overrated", and that if we test more people, we'll just find more cases, and it will make America look really bad. We, or at least 'I', don't need that kind of publicity! Terrible 'numbers'! But 'now', I'm thinking different about it. Hey, they don't call me the, 'Flip-Flop-In-Chief' for nothing! "So I view it as a badge of honour. Really, it's a badge of honour". I bet all Americans are really proud of me. I know I am!
I have decided to invent a new 'Military' 'war' decoration which will be given to the one person who has done the most to, errr, 'for', that is, America's fight against this invisible enemy, 'The Coronavirus'. The medal will be called, 'The Coronavirus Badge of Honor', and Later this week, or next week, I personally, will be giving that fool's gold plated medal to none other than the three outstanding American's who have actually 'saved' millions and millions of lives while everyone else failed America to the Nth degree.
I mean, who deserves it more than 'Me', myself, and I? I know everyone will be as proud of 'me' as I, myself, will be. What an "honor"! Almost as great an "honor" as that of those 1.5 million sick and dying Americans.'

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