Sunday, May 31, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 6

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 6

Looks like another 'needy' is needing my able assistance. Looks like he is in dire straits, so Let's get right to it.

Dear 'Bud',
I'm a 59 year old male who still lives with my parents. I really like people named 'Buddy', by the way. Currently, I have no hobbies or particular interests that might keep me occupied. I've never held a job, well, I did shovel snow from a neighbors driveway for three dollars once when I was about 12 years old, but my Father tells me 'better late than never', whatever that means. By the way 'Bud', do you have a drivers license and a car? Have you ever heard of Alaska?
I used to have friends but they all have decided to 'un-friend' me, something about because, 'allegedly', I lie all the time, and tried to have sex with their girlfriends or wives. I'm pretty 'sure' I really don't recall doing hardly any of that, that I know of. Oh, do you like to shoot cats?
Well, I have a very important question to ask you Buddy.
Will you be my BFF? Let me know soon as possible but give me time to pack an overnight bag. Thanks 'Bud', see you soon!
'Friendless in Point Barrow, Alaska'

Dear 'Friendless',
Ahhhh...Oh 'sure'! Be 'glad' to be your 'friend', 'Friendless'.
Here's my very special 'friend' phone number; 123-456-7899. Do not, give this number to anyone! It's just for you. I use a special 'secret' code when 'friends' call me. Just dial my special number, let it ring seven (7) times, remember, only 'seven' times. Then hang up. Then dial it again letting it ring only five (5) times then hang up and call again letting it ring two (2) times, and hang up. After that, go down to your local Shopping Center, Ice Berg, or wherever lots of people hang out, and talk to 12 people. Remember, don't lie to them or try to 'screw' their significant others.
Then, stay by your phone, I'll call you back, using the same 'code' as above but be sure to answer on that last set of 'rings', early morning of the 2nd Tuesday, or 2nd Wednesday, of next week, whichever comes first.
Good luck, "Bud"!

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Violence Simply Begets More Violence

Even as terrible as the death of George Floyd certainly is, this unfettered 'rioting', yes, that's what the originally peaceful protesting devolved into, and the 'looting', again yes, 'looting', which is still considered a 'criminal offence, and the widespread 'torching', as in 'Arson', still considered a 'criminal' offence, of totally innocent private, corporate and federal businesses including the city's Police Station can never be excused nor called justifiable because of his death at the hands of a police officer who has now been charged with Murder, as will likely be the case in the other three officers that did nothing to prevent his death, of which there is no excuse. If 'race relations' was bad before this event, it surely will be even worse afterwards. The destruction of the very city they live in, is not an answer to anything, even to the death of George Floyd.
The criminal elements that wantonly created, and perpetuated these criminal acts should not be given a 'hall pass' of forgiveness, and should be brought to justice to answer for their crimes, just as the officer charged in Floyd's death.
Numerous innocent businesses throughout the city have been stupidly destroyed, many will likely never reopen, thousands of workers, both Black and White, along with many other races have now awoken up to no jobs. These many innocent persons will now suffer financial ruin and personal hardships that they may never recover from. Their own city will suffer financial hurdles that will require federal assistance in order to clean up a city ravaged by uncontrollable anger released in the form of civil violence. City, State, and federal Tax monies will now be required to be diverted from other infrastructure needs to now be used to repair the terrible damage done by these criminal rioters, looters, and arsonists, actions. This is akin to a surgeon blindly amputating a patients legs to repair a broken arm.
If you condone the criminal actions of these rioters, looters and arsonists, or call them anything but, then perhaps you are part of the 'problem', and not part of the 'solution' in seeing justice for George Floyd, and the betterment of 'race relations' in a city that had deep issues before, and now even deeper ones afterwards.

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Friday, May 29, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment number 3

'Ask Buddy', Installment number 3

Looks like another 'help me' request has came in while I slumbered! Boy! They Just keep rolling in! Whew!! I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep up with 'so many' 'Ask Buddy' requests! So 'overwhelming'! But enough about 'me', let's see if we can solve someone else's problem.

Dear Buddy,
 Big problem! Really huge! Ya gotta help me buddy! You just gotta!!
Here's the thing Buddy. You see, I have three (3) girlfriends, and neither one of them knows about the other two. It's killing me Buddy! They are wearing me out! I'm tired all the time, can't sleep, can't eat, can't even think straight anymore! I can barely get 'it' up anymore! Call me crazy, but I gotta get out of this before it literally kills me! What should I do??
'Crazy problem In Vegas'.

Dear 'Crazy In Vegas,'
"Problem"? I had to read your letter twice! I thought you said you have a "huge problem". You must be a 'gambler'! You have "three girlfriends", 'and then I met a man who had none'. Yes, you are "Crazy" in more ways than one! But, 'help' you I must. Be 'warned' though, that I can 'help' you with only 'part' of your so-called, "problem".
"gotta get out of this before it literally kills me". Well 'Crazy', I can guarantee the "get out" part, but I don't work miracles ref the last part.
Here's what you should do; Send me photo's and phone numbers of two, no sense taking on more than I can manage, of your, soon to be 'ex-girlfriends'.
Then construct a really big poster, and on it in huge letters write, "I have three 'ignorant' girlfriends, and neither one of them knows about the other two".
Then, after making sure that your medical Insurance policy is current, pack a 'bug-out' bag, and survival gear, and plan your escape route.
Now, post that sign in your front yard, call one of your 'girlfriends' and invite her over, and then make good use of your escape route. Oh, and delete this letter!

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 5

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 5

Boy! I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the 'call' and 'letter' that has poured in! But people need help out there, and it's just right that I do all I can to assist the self induced, mentally needy. And look! Another needy is needing my help! Let's see what we can do for him.

Dear 'Ask Buddy',
Is 'Ask' really your first name? That's funny! Why did your parents name you that?? I bet people with regular names 'ask' you stuff all the time, huh?
I know how you feel! My parents named me 'John John'. They couldn't decide which 'name' would be my first name, and which would be my middle name. So they just flipped a coin. Not sure who 'won' that coin toss! People just call me 'John', but I'd rather be called 'John', I mean, that's my 'real' name, right? Sometimes I go by my middle name when I don't want people to know who I really am.
I named my dog, 'Dog Dog'. He's pretty smart just like me, he answers to either name.
Anyway, I have a question for you. Should I wear 'lace-up' shoes, or those 'new ones' with those sticky straps that you don't have to tie?
Thanks a lot! I'm a really big, big fan of yours.
'Redundant in Walla-Walla, Maine'

Dear 'Redundant',
Your Mother called, said for you to hurry home, time for your 'pull-ups' to be changed. She left the same message 'three times'!   Good luck!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

'Ask Buddy' Installment Number 4

'Ask Buddy' Installment Number 4

Dear Buddy,
 I know you can help me. Your 'reputation' as a 'self-help' guru is known far and wide, more or less, well, sorta.
Due to this overblown coronavirus flu, which as we all 'know' is no worse than a head cold, I was laid off from my job at a 'fast food' chain. I probably should have taken advantage of the chains offer at 'fast-tracking' to a management position but who needs that 'stuffed shirt' corporate stuff? Right?
Anyway, the franchise that laid me off called and wants me to come back to work. (!?) Right now I get twice the 'take home' money from un-employment payments than I was getting paid at work. Sweet!! What's the point in going back to work! Right Buddy? With that money I bought a really nice pair of 'Jet Skies' but they came without a towing trailer! Is that crazy or what!? Anyway, I need a new 'boat' trailer, a great deal at only 5g's that I can pull with my new SUV.
My question is, could you please advance me enough dough for the trailer, oh, and a few extra bucks for the insurance, tags, and such. Please hurry, boating season is here already!
Thanking you in advance,
'Lazy in Miami'

Dear Lazy In Miami,
  Your plea has plucked my 'heart strings' like no other request could possibly do.
Shame on your employer to have the gall to ask you to return to work at times like this! Have they no empathy for your plight?
But lucky you! You have caught me in a pensive, and 'giving' mood.
Yes, 'Lazy', I certainly can 'help' you in your financial straits.
Here's what I will do.
Unfortunately, all I have right now is a $10,000 'money order' which I will send to you right away, as I can see that 'time is of the essence'. Just as soon as you have it in your greedy little, lazy, hands, run right down to your bank and deposit it in your checking account. Then, immediately withdraw $4,600 in cash, and simply mail that portion, in cash, back to me so that I can balance my 'books'. You of course can keep the 5.4g's that are left which should cover the price of your new trailer, and unforeseen incidentals.
I'm really happy that you thought of me as your personal checkbook! I'm sure that we 'both', or at least one of us, will 'profit' from our 'business' relationship. P.S. you might want to keep your employers phone number handy.
Good luck, 'Lazy'!  ;)

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

"...or close them down", say's The Boy-King

trump, 'The Dictator-In-Chief', has raised the 'flag' of his true dictatorial colors!
"Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen". "..totally silence conservative voices." You 'know', like it's actually happened before. Had that been the case, he would never have been 'elected', well, not by 'popular' vote anyway, in the first place. And yet, here he is, contrary to his own conspiracy pandering's.
"We will strongly regulate, or close them down..", you 'know', just like a 'real' dictator would do, someone like, ahhh..oh yeah, like one of his ruthless BFF-FWB dictators that he is so hugely proud of.
The 'Boy-King', obviously, has become so full of himself that he has stupidly mistaken our Democratic Nation for some third world country where he can do anything he wishes, including destroying the 'Freedom of The Press', and 'Freedom of Speech', no matter the consequences.
This egomaniac has gotten away with telling hundreds of lies per week to the point of ad-nauseum. Now, when he is being 'called out' on those lies, and his incredible conspiracy theories, his paranoia has become inflamed to the point of trashing our Constitution in order to get his childish, entitled, way. Many words can be used to define this bully-boy, but a good one is, 'Delusionally incompetent'. Well, I 'know', that's 'two' words, but who's counting anyway. He is what he is.
An amendment should be added to our Constitution that requires any candidate running for the Oval Office, to undergo a battery of psychological tests. trump, 'The Serial Liar', would have been eliminated right away.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

'ASK BUDDY', Installment number Two

'Ask Buddy'

Installment Number 2, of 'Ask Buddy'

Well believe it or not, at least one more quizzical reader with way too much time on his hands, has begged for an answer to a question, that for some reason known only to him, he does not actually 'know' the answer to, and as such, I will attempt to sooth his answer-less mind.

Dear Buddy, A 'friend' of mine saw a TV commercial the other day where a couple of Woodchucks were tossing, or 'chucking', some poor guys firewood right into a pond! I, my 'friend' that is, remembers a little ditty from grade school, the few times 'he' actually attended, that went something like; 'If a Woodchuck could chuck wood, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck'. My 'friend' is pretty sure that they can actually do that. 'His' question is;  'Do Woodchucks really chuck wood?'
Asking for a 'friend' in Ohio

Dear Asking for your 'friend', (wink, wink)
You'd be surprised at how many people don't ask 'that' question. But you, or rather, your 'friend', has, and so now I must help, as only I can. You came to the right person!
First off, your 'friend' 'does' realize that the commercial in question is just that, a made for TV 'commercial', and that woodchucks don't have opposable thumbs, right? Right? Anyway, here we are, so listen closely.
The best person to ask this question to is none other than a 'Woodchuck' itself. Yep. A doggone woodchuck! Who would have guessed!
And here's how you, or your 'friend', should go about it, I'll type r-e-a-l s l o w   so that you can keep up.

First thing, run right out, and find a fresh Woodchuck hole. Look for one that does Not have a sign at the entrance that reads, 'Go Away, Don't Bother Me, That means YOU!' They always post that sign when they don't want to be bothered. Otherwise, when there's 'no sign', it means you're good to go.

 Then, load up on a pocket full of Band-Aids, disinfectant, and wound suturing equipment.

Next, light a real smoky tree limb and poke it into the woodchucks hole.
Then, stick your head into the hole just as far as you possibly can, you know, just like when you have your head in your own rear end wondering about stupid stuff like 'woodchucking', and yell, 'FIRE'! FIRE!! This always gets a Woodchucks attention, and they'll come running to investigate. Oh, and be real fast with your question, you'll have only about three seconds to ask about the mystery of 'Woodchucks chucking wood'. Call me at my special private number, 555-555-5555, and let me know how you're doing.

And there you have it, another satisfied 'customer'. Tune in next time when 'Ask Buddy', fields, and solves another one of life's little mysteries for the wondering public.

Monday, May 25, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment number One

'Ask Buddy'
I have decided to start a 'Self' Help' column, 'Ask Buddy', in which Buddy will strive to 'answer' questions of all sorts posed by his faithful readers, of which I'm pretty sure number around 3-4, well, at least 3 at last count.
Regardless of the 'numbers', I mean, who's keeping score, right?, and 'readers' or not, I hope to be of some insignificant assistance to anyone who has questions relating to personal issues, financial woes, relationship fiascos, or whatever the case may be, real or imagened. My 'motto' is; If someone is crazy enough to 'ask' me for personal advice, then I'm just crazy enough to field that just as crazy question, with a, just as crazy answer.
Already, the Emails, texts, and phone calls are rolling in by the one's and two's.
Here, let me arm wrestle a few of them while I have your 'attention'.

Installment number 1
Dear Buddy,
A friend and I were playing with my pet gerbal. We always play 'safe gerbal' by tying a string to its tail for fast retrival. However, the string broke and I now have a pissed off gerbal residing somewhere up my anus. I'm really worried about him because he has had 'nothing' to eat for two days now. My question is; what should I feed him? Thanks,
 'Worried in Miami.'
Dear 'Worried',
Butt, butt, fortunately, I cannot identify with your little 'butt' problem. However, in the interest of 'trying' to help you, a little research reveals that gerbals enjoy a good helping of 'nuts'. As gerbals are nocturnal animals I would encourage you to secure your 'own' nuts while you sleep, you know, just in case.
Dear Buddy,
I am a faithful Democratic Party member. My wife on the other hand, is a staunch Republican. She has threatened to leave me unless I switch to her 'party'. She say's, "It's my way or the highway". In response to her threats, what should I say to her.
'Confused in Chicago'
Dear Confused,
I feel your pain as I'm sure many others do as well.
Choose your words as if they are food that you might have to eat later. My well worn advice is to tell her that she will be missed, you know, for a while.
Dear Buddy,
I love my dog 'Tootsie', but everytime a stranger comes to my door, Tootsie barks like crazy, and it's driving 'me' absolutely nuts with the, 'bark, bark, bark' stuff. I have tried everything! I take her to the movies, bike rides, snorkling, I take her to get manicures, I let her sleep in my bed, but she still barks at strangers. I'm at witts end! What should I do now?
'At Witts End in Atlanta'
Dear 'At Witts End',
Take 'Tootsie' to a Dog Trainer under the guise of 'training her', you know, about the barkie stuff, to stop it with the insessant barking. Tell her you'll be 'right back', and to count to 100, six times. Give the dog trainer a fake name and phone number, then, go find yourself a 'human' girlfriend, making sure of course, that she does not have a dog that also 'barks' at strangers.
WoW! Talk about being 'flooded' with questions! Whew! I can see that this is gonna take off like a lead hot-air balloon!
Tune in next time when 'Ask Buddy' fends off some more questions from who knows who, about who knows what. ;) ;)

“Yeah, she’s great at names".

“X Æ A-Xii.” Which is so much easier to pronounce than "X Æ A-12". Whew! Thank goodness they came to their 'senses'!
“I mean it’s just X, the letter X. And then, the Æ is, like, pronounced ‘Ash’… and then, A-12, A-12 is my contribution.” But Musk, '...credited his partner for the creative name leap'.
“First of all, my partner is the one that, actually, mostly, came up with the name,” the Tesla and SpaceX CEO said. “Yeah, she’s great at names.”  "Roman numerals look better".  Yeah Elon, She's really "great"... at using the 'alphabet, and..., 'numbers'! She even named 'herself' using it!
Yeah, she's really 'great' at naming stuff, you know, like 'children', and 'things' like that. "AE", pronounced "Ash"?? What!!?? WTH has he been smoking? Wait! We 'know' the answer to that one already, and it has apparently fried his brain cells to the point of idiocy. And as for his 'girlfriend', who knows, but obviously suffering from the same debilitating issue. Thank goodness they thought this name thing over and used their 'common sense' while 'thinking' about how difficult this poor child's life will be from being stuck with this 'name', or whatever it can be called, that no one will be able to decipher. 

 Teacher; And what is your first name please..
Child; 'X'.
Teacher; Would you please 'spell' that for the class..
Child; 'X', you know, like, 'X'.
Teacher; And your middle name please..
Child; 'AE', pronounced like, "Ash".
Teacher; And your last name please..
Child; 'A-12'.
Teacher; Please spell that for the class..
Child; 'A-12', it's spelled the way it sounds, you know, like
Teacher; WTH!!?? Child, who did this to you!???

Anyway, Elon Musk and his "partner", have simply proven that there's just no known cure for 'stupidity'.

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Tech entrepreneur and musician have changed their child’s name from X Æ A-12 to X Æ A-Xii, without much explanation

Friday, May 22, 2020

"..ain't black".

"..ain't black". Really Joe? Really?? And just what other 'color' shall they be then? Not to be outdone by the 'Boy-King' and his flatulent mouth, Joe has 'upped the ante' by lowering himself to the level of abject stupidity, leaving himself open to a fate worse than scorn itself, and probably alienating many Black voters who were sitting on the political 'fence' wondering which way to vote, Biden, or the 'Boy King'.
Oh, did I mention, 'stupid'? There! Knock if off Joe! You'll need every voter, "black" or not, that you can possible garner, don't 'knee-cap' them before they even get a chance to vote!


Thursday, May 21, 2020

'Rome burns while Nero fiddles'

Yesterday I posted this comment; "Ha! Fat chance of 'that' happening! The 'Boy-King' will simply claim 'Executive privilege' while boasting about his 'immunity' to all things that affect 'normal' people".
And now, while visiting that very plant that makes the ventilators, the very spoiled, egotistical, learning challenged, and very negligent 'Boy-King', refused to wear the 'mask', defying State Law, claiming that; “Not necessary,” Trump said, when a reporter asked why he was not wearing a facial covering.
“Everybody’s been tested and I’ve been tested.” Except that he, himself, has 'failed' the 'test' of humanity and common sense, proving once again, and again, and again, that 'stupidity' simply cannot be cured.
Trump also claimed “I had one [a mask] on before,” in an area that was not visible to reporters, but added, “I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it.”
“I was given a choice, and I had one on in an area where they preferred it". " an area that was not visible to reporters", which means he had his head up his arse, as usual, and, he worries needlessly, no one would possibly find, ".. the pleasure of seeing it".
Again the entitled, unsupervised 'Boy-King', has failed to lead, leaving America totally leaderless during a crisis that threatens to set America back decades, and one which we may never fully recover from. 'Rome burns while Nero fiddles'.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What an "Honor"!

'Am I really great, or is it just 'me'!? Incredible numbers! Like you've never seen before! No other president could do what I've done! Only 90,000 Americans dead! Can you believe that? Only 90,000 and counting! And how about the 1.5 million Americans that became infected. That's nothing!, I draw that many trumpers every time I walk out of the White House! But hey, America has lots of people. Millions to spare. And how about those numbers of Americans that stupidly came down with the virus but lived! Is that 'great' or what!? Highest number in the world, right?
Just the other day I was lambasting CDC, doctors, and anyone who actually believes that 'testing' does any good at all. Remember that one? Yeah, how could anyone ever forget how I said that testing is "overrated", and that if we test more people, we'll just find more cases, and it will make America look really bad. We, or at least 'I', don't need that kind of publicity! Terrible 'numbers'! But 'now', I'm thinking different about it. Hey, they don't call me the, 'Flip-Flop-In-Chief' for nothing! "So I view it as a badge of honour. Really, it's a badge of honour". I bet all Americans are really proud of me. I know I am!
I have decided to invent a new 'Military' 'war' decoration which will be given to the one person who has done the most to, errr, 'for', that is, America's fight against this invisible enemy, 'The Coronavirus'. The medal will be called, 'The Coronavirus Badge of Honor', and Later this week, or next week, I personally, will be giving that fool's gold plated medal to none other than the three outstanding American's who have actually 'saved' millions and millions of lives while everyone else failed America to the Nth degree.
I mean, who deserves it more than 'Me', myself, and I? I know everyone will be as proud of 'me' as I, myself, will be. What an "honor"! Almost as great an "honor" as that of those 1.5 million sick and dying Americans.'

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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!

What!???? The 'Boy-King' told another lie????? Oh my! How could this be? He has been so 'truthful' up to this sad moment in time.
But then, he has been known to say this, about telling the 'truth'; "I do try, and I always want to tell the truth," . "When I can, I tell the truth. I mean sometimes it turns out to be where something happens that's different, or there's a change. But I always like to be truthful."
Yeah, so he 'likes' "to be truthful", When he "can" that is.
So, just another lie, while creating just another distraction, while just lying to America, and the world in general.
America's 'Liar-In-Chief', doing what he does best, or worst, of.


Saturday, May 16, 2020

"Maybe it is overrated"

'My fellow minions and 'trum-cult' followers alike, as anyone with even a smattering of gray cells full well know, I am not only your, 'blind leading the blind', 'leader', I am also what you might call, an 'arm chair' physician of great note. I just happen to 'know' more about medial stuff, and things like that, than any of these so called, 'Medical Expert' scaredy-cats put together.
As I look around me, I have no idea who these people in masks actually are. What are they hiding from me?? I wish pence were here right now so that he could "look them in the eye", and identify them for me. I'm just clueless! Really.
But wait. This isn't about 'me', is it? Of course not. It's about my innate ability to 'be right' all the time. And how about these useless coronavirus tests! You probably wonder that as well. So let me throw some 'gasoline' on that subject, as I am want to do with anything that crosses my simple mind. Let me blather on about senseless testing for this virus, which many, many, people of all kinds, smart people, people like that, tell me, 'why are we mass testing all these people'? Well, I don't know either, but something tells me, you know, using my presidential "instincts", that 'mass testing' is not a good thing to do. Sure, sure, "We have the best testing in the world." “Could be that testing's, frankly, overrated. Maybe it is overrated." "Maybe it is". "Overrated". And stuff. But all I have to do is 'insinuate' that it's useless, and pretty soon my 'base' will parrot my every word and ignorant thoughts about it.
"We have more cases than anybody in the world, but why? Because we do more testing," “ … If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases." I'm sure every simple minded American that thinks I'm actually a medical doctor will agree with my 'professional' assessment. Right? My 'logic' here is that the more we 'test', the more we'll find 'more' of the virus cases which flies in the face of even more logic. Logic and common sense are even more "overrated" than that. You see, the higher the coronavirus cases go, the lower my numbers in the popularity polls go. That's really bad for the nation, the economy, my ratings, my royal image, which right now are the highest numbers of any president in world history.
Remember folks, 'do as I say, not as I do'. I'm the only voice you should listen to, you can 'trust' me on this. This time. Honest. Would I 'lie' to you? Would I??'  :/

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