Friday, March 16, 2018

Welcome Aboard, Suckers

What!??? He's 'hiring' the very people from the very "Fake News" orgs that he has labeled "Un-American"? Oh my! How quickly he forgets. And, if he thinks for one minute that these TV personalities are going to somehow save him from himself, then he's got another 'think' coming. They'll last about as long as the minions they will have replaced at the Trump minion, feed trough. In their feeding frenzy they will simply devour one another, and become political wannabe carcasses in Trumps smelly, festering "swamp".
Welcome to Trump, The 'Incompetent's', made for TV, White House Reality Hour, where as long as you are gastronomically able to say the secret password 'Yes', you'll be able to sit at his chaos table, and dine on one another while waiting to be "FIRED".

The reality TV president turns to talking heads now more than ever.|By James Hohmann

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