Wednesday, March 7, 2018

America's 'Moral' Compass

Republicans, you 'voted' for this moron, this man-child, this Incompetent boor, he was to be your 'moral' compass, your 'guiding' light, he was going to "make America great again", you said he was the best of the lot, he told you that indeed he was, you believed all that he stuffed into your narrow minded minds, and like blind, hungry lemmings you followed him to the 'cliff' of his choice. You 'knew' what he was made of, any ignorant fool could have seen through him. He was open book, but with blank, empty pages. And yet, you scribbled little "Alternative facts" where there were none, and you believed every fantasy you made up about him, and then you tried to convince everyone else that Trump, 'The Incompetent', was sent by your mythical sky spirit to save America from itself. And yet, instead of 'him' saving America, it is now Americans trying to save America from him. This, your 'idol' who as you now can plainly see, is no 'hero' after all, certainly no 'idol', but simply a serial liar, a serial adulterer, an abuser of humans with women at the top of that list, a fraud, an untrustworthy, misleading, pretentious buffoon who is busy dismantling and deconstructing our America as fast as his evil pen can scrawl his incompetent name. As for this seamy affair with this 'loose' woman, what, if he is as 'innocent' as he loudly claims, could he possibly have to hide that he feels the need to zip her lips with a "restraining order"? More of your 'hero's' moral guidance. This, is what you 'voted' for, this, is what you have saddled America with, this poster child for the world of chaos that we all must now suffer. Now, go to your mirror and see the fool that's looking back at you.

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The order was obtained last week to keep the porn star quiet about her alleged affair with Mr. Trump.

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