Saturday, March 10, 2018

'BBSN' 'NEWS" Alert!



This just in from your trusted 'news' room at 'BBSN' (BuddyBlacksSatiricalNews).

 The White House has announced that President Trump, 'The Incompetent', the wanna-be dictator of America, has already secretly met with 'Little fat Guy' Kim (Kimmy) Jong-un, dictator of North Korea, and has singlehandedly saved the whole world from nuclear Armageddon. 
A White House spokesperson, who declined to be identified, and speaking from beneath a blacked out hood, reports that Trump agreed to the following concessions dictated by Kimmy;
In exchange for a 'temporary' slow down of North Korea's nuclear program, Trump, in a colossal showing of his incredible 'Negotiation' skills, has given Kimmy two (2) of America's latest, and most sophisticated Aircraft Carriers complete with crew, and with a full compliment of America's top secret F22, and F35 fighter planes along with their pilots. Trump also presented Kimmy with the clear Titles to Japan, and South Korea with a promise of the Philippines if Kimmy is a good boy for at least three months. Kimmy will also be given a 'Green Card' with guaranteed US Citizenship for Kimmy, his extended family, or at least the ones he hasn't yet murdered, in the likely event that he has to seek political asylum at some point, and he will automatically be eligible to vote in future presidential elections in America.
Kimmy on his part, will, at a time of his personal choosing, give America the recipe for Trumps favorite Rice Pudding dish. He also 'promises' to share the 'secret' blueprints for a super duper top of the line Battle Tank designed by Kimmy's father in 1951, based on plans stolen from the Pentagon in 1950, which in turn were stolen from the Nazi's in 1944, who had stolen it from Japan in 1938. Kimmy also promise's to stop calling Trump nasty names for at least four months, names that may, or may not, be 'true', and he vows to show Trumps hair dresser how to style Trumps hair just like his own, 'skin on the sides, Osprey Nest Wow, on the top'.
Trumps spokesperson said that Trump is very happy with the midnight deal he has cut with one of his favorite BFF dictators, and that this, just as with a "Trade War" with the whole world, will benefit America in unimaginable ways, or "incredibly unbelievable", as trump put it. Trump was 'quoted' as saying. "No one but me, myself, and I, could have ever possibly 'negotiated' a great 'deal' like this, disgusting Hillary would never have thought of something like this, illegal immigrant Obama would never have even dreamed of it. That's why I'm President, and they aren't".

Remember, always stay tuned to your favorite, and most trusted 'news' station, 'BBSN' where we not only bring you the latest 'news', but 'news' you wont hear anywhere else.

See More
The US president says the outcome would be "good for the world", but Kim Jong-un remains silent.

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