Monday, March 12, 2018

The 'Man-Child' Who Needs No one

The 'Man-Child' Who Needs No one

'Yeah, I'm whatcha might call, among other things, a 'do it by myself kinda guy'. I don't need people. You see, I'm one 'smart' guy. Incredible. I can pass any test you toss at me. Hey, do I 'look' dumb, or what. See how I always sit with my arms folded real tight? That's a sign of 'intelligence'. Smart people do that, It's in our genes, well mostly mine, just ask my bimbo 'Stormy' about what's in my 'genes'. Really. "Fake news" people will say that folded arms are a sure sign of defensiveness. Come on folks! Why would I ever be on the defense? Some very wrong people might say I'm hiding behind my arms, you know, using them as a 'fence'. More "Fake News"! Liars! SOB's! By the way folks, it's now ok to call people "son of a bitch" now that I've done it in Pennsylvania. 'Smart' people do that. My 'base' loves it when I'm potty mouth. Anyway, as I was saying, I like doing things by myself. "Grabbing" women by their 'you know whats', hooking up with prostitutes, using the alias, 'David Dennison', having my private lawyer pay the loud mouthed whore off. Yep, making 'Presidential' decisions without having to confer with a bunch of nit-wits, is my kind of doing it alone. That's why I'm President. Everyone loves, and respects me.
I've been watching how my almost lover Putin, and Xi, the crafty dictator of China, and my soon to be 'lover' BFF Dictator Kimmy of North Korea, do it. Do you think for one second that 'they' have to confer with piddlings about what they want to do in their countries? No way! They make their own 'manly' decisions, and everyone goes right along with their decisions, no whining, no fuss, and everyone's happy. You don't see riots in the streets over there do you? That's just the way I want it here in 'my' country. I 'run' America, I make the decisions, and everyone follows my lead without question. To question me is simply un-American! Disgustingly so! Wanna get deported? Go ahead, talk bad about me, I dare ya! I'm the 'man'! Some folks call me a 'man-child'. "Fake News"! Hey, my 'numbers are going up! Highest numbers ever for any President! Huge! I'm really 'smart', but even I can't count that high! Unbelievable! Really! Really....'

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His staff hollowing out and his agenda languishing, President Donald Trump is increasingly flying solo. Always improvisational, the president exercised his penchant for going it alone in a big way this week: first, by ordering sweeping tariffs opposed by…

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