Saturday, March 3, 2018

Entitled Nepotism

And then there's this Barbie Doll imposter, 'entitled' Trumpster Ivanka, 'The Untouchable'. North Korea has their 'States' Daughter, and wouldn't you know, America has theirs. Every good dictator, including wanna-be's, must have one of these. Of course as we all 'know' she is a college certified, world renowned, ahhh..hmmm...well, you 'know', she's a 'Trump', what else does she even Need? The 'name' opens all doors, even the Top Secret ones for her. If anyone of a lesser name tried what she is able to do they would be instantly blocked at the door, and if she 'looked' like her father, no one would even know her.  Nepotism at its finest. Just sayin'.
If she's going to 'be' a Federal 'employee' then she should be bound by the same rules, if there's even any rules left, that all other government 'officials' must abide by. Period. 'Trump', or no Trump. Period.

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Ivanka Trump wants people to her seriously as an adviser to her father, but she doesn't want to be held responsible for anything her father does.

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