Saturday, March 3, 2018

The 'Little White Lier'

The 'Little White Lier'

'Ahhh... well...sure, I tell little bitty "White Lies" for my boss. Hey, who doesn't? But I've never, ever, ever, cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, ever, practically, well, amost never, lied about 'anything' substantive, really, and I'm not lying this time, really, honest, ya gotta believe me boys! Ya gotta believe me!! I mean, come on guys, this is 'the' White House, not some poodunk country where people don't tell little no-nothing lies to impress folks. This is the 'new' America, Trumps America. It's ok here. My boss has redefined that old dusty definition of 'Truth', and he encourages all American's to follow his presidential lead, starting with me, and that's the truth. Geez whiz, give me a presidential break here! Look at me! Go on, look at me. Check me out boys! Whoops! No "grabbing", that's my boss' job. Am I not the poster girl for the model industry or what? Do you think it's just a 'coincidence' that my flaxen haired, wonderful, do no wrong, innocent as a baby, boss, hired Me to grace his place, in the first place? Not only that, but I'm a pretty smart minion. Just ask my boss.
So yeah, I tell lies, so what! Get over it. Welcome to Trumps world. But I'm not lying right now..unless you ask questions that my boss told me to not answer. Other than that, I'm fairly honest, unless my lips are moving. So go ahead and take your chances. Ask me anything you wish, and I'll tell you my version of the 'truth' as dictated by my wonderful, loving boss, the most 'honest' guy in the whole universe...really, and that's no 'lie', this time.'

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White House communications director Hope Hicks acknowledged to a House intelligence panel that she has told "white lies" for President Donald Trump but not…

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