Thursday, March 22, 2018

"Users Abandon Facebook"... ?

"Users Abandon Facebook"... is Not the answer to this fiasco. FB "Users" had been warned years ago about the ability of these 'Analytical' outfits being able to capture personal information of FB users, mainly through each time a person 'clicks' the 'LIKE' button. Everytime you click it, your personal information is captured, and mined. This is like the enternet 'gold' mine to advertisers and scam artists. If you don't want it captured, stay away from the 'LIKE' button because it 'likes' you way too much. The same goes for broadcasting your DOB, your address, your hang-outs, and the list goes on and on. THIS IS THE INTERNET folks! Nothing is private or sacred here! Nothing! We are all fair game for the trollers, and the unscrupulious. The more personal info you give them, the better they can troll, and mine your information for theirs of whomever else wants it for whatever reasons they might have. Everytime you hit 'LIKE' you are also sharing all your 'friends' personal info as well. !!
Everytime we do a 'GOOGLE' search, that search is 'mined', and we become the target of advertisements related to that search. Your email address, your phone number, your home address is 'mined', sold, bought, and sold to no end. Everytime you purchase something on the web, your personal info can be sold to others. THIS is the dark side of the snappy enternet, the 'web' that we all love, and have been convinced that we cannot live without.
These folks that are urging us to "Abandon Facebook" have their own personal or business agendas as to why they would love to see everyone bail out of FB, the biggest of which would be to see FB totally fail. And if they can convince enough users to bail out, the FB stock will crash, and FB will surely become another note in failed history.
When you are on ANY web site, use your heads for something besides with which to fill with your inflated egos. Instead of hitting that 'LIKE' button stop and think 'why do they want me to 'like' their posting or comments. There's no law that says you have to 'like' it, even if you do. Think before you leap into anything.

See More
Patrons of the social network are deleting their profiles in protest over reports that the company allowed a political data firm to harvest private information.

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