Thursday, March 22, 2018

Politicians Showing Their Maturity

Politicians Showing Their Maturity

'Oh yeah, Mr. Bushy Eyebrows? Why, I'd whack you so hard you "..would go down fast and hard, crying all the way,” and by the way, you better not say anything about my hair doo either! And besides, we could never have been in school together because I wasn't even born yet when you were in high school! Ha! Take that, "tough guy"!
Hey Trump, your mama's so fat, Goodyear used her as a blimp! Hey blondie, I hear you have a racoon for a makeup artist! By the way fat boy, I'm a “pretty damn good athlete,I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him." "Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room," and besides, Trump attended his own private school, he was the only kid there! I bet I can out run him with one foot tied behind me!
Ha! Biden, you're so old your brain is petrified! I hear you and Thomas Jefferson were on the same hopscotch team! I can hit a golf ball further than you can even see! I can talk faster then you can even hear! Can you even hear me? Hey Biden, over here! You little crybaby!
Oh yeah Trumptedumpty, Yo momma's so fat, she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl. Hey, take off your mask, halloween's over!'

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President Trump fired back at Joe Biden in an early morning tweet, saying the former vice president is “trying to act like a tough guy."

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