Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"Son Of A Bitch", Says Trump

"Son Of A Bitch", Says Trump

'"Son of a bitch, son of a bitch, son of a bitch, son of a bitch!" There! I've said it! Mothers, bring your children in closer to the TV so they can watch their esteemed, learned, President, act 'Presidential' while cussing with his Presidentially potty mouth. But hey, come on folks, it's just me, your President being myself. You should be used to it by now. You 'knew' what I was like before you 'hired' me. Voters remorse doesn't work here folks! You 'know' I don't pull my 'punches'. You 'know' I speak my man-child like mind whenever I need to drum up a distraction or garner votes from my tunnel visioned base. That's just 'me'. No biggie here folks. Nothing to see, move along now, and cast your vote for my Republican minions, and later on cast one for me too. And parents, you can tell your children that I said t's alright, in fact it's expected of them, to potty mouth all they want to. If it's good enough for their President, it's even better for Them! I'm setting the example for all the world to follow, so get behind me! I'm whatcha might call the epitome of what not to become.
And hey, how about that disgusting Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif), what a “low IQ individual.” Disgustingly "low" IQ'd! My little finger is smarter than her! When they passed out 'brains' she thought they said 'trains', she's still standing down at the station waiting for her 'train'! Hey, remember that 'smart' test I took while back? Passed it with flying colors! Maxine couldn't do that! You need brains to pass that 3rd grade test! I'm smart. Very smart. My doctor said so, and now the whole world knows what they are dealing with. I graduated from my own private kindergarten when I was four years old. That's smart!! That's why I'm President and no one else is. But look, this isn't about me. More about 'me' later. Parents, be sure to follow my example and make sure your children do the same. Call people by racial slurs, filthy names, demeane them, belittle them until they give up, bully them until they cry like the big babies they really are, and if you get a chance, Fire the hell out of them! hey, Chuck Tood you "sleeping son of a bitch", wake the hell up already! Disgusting "Fake News" sloath!'

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When the president "uses vulgarity to talk about individuals," what are parents "supposed to tell their kids?” Todd asks.

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