Saturday, March 17, 2018

'Be Careful What You Ask For'

'Be Careful What You Ask For'

By now, I'm fairly certain that everyone has become tired of anything Trump. And rightly so. I too am tired to the hilt of him. And I wish I could ignore his idiotcy as it appears others are able, for whatever reasons, to do. And, he certainly wants those of us who rail against his stupidity to go back to sleep as if he never happened while he continues to ursurp our Constitution, and deconstruct our America. That's what he wants, a subserviant, ...compliant, kowtowing, sleepheaded nation of serfs who will agree with his every nocturnal tweet, his unbelievable un-American decisions, his every vile word that flows from his serial lying mouth. If we stay silent, either afraid or just plain apathetically lazy, and not stand up to this pathetic man-child that is hell bent on destroying our America, then we will deserve the damage he is, and will continue to inflict on our Constitution, our Democracy, and our Country, and the world in general. Be careful what you 'ask' for. And yes, it is tiring, and stressful. But so is he. It seems that every day brings another round of stupidity flowing from the WH. By now one would think it all would have mellowed out and healed itself with 'checks and balances' somehow. But every day brings another round of pain from this man-child running amok sans adult supervision.
It's not unlike having a broken toe. Nothing could be more uncomfortable, or more painful, and no matter how one would try, and wish it would just go the hell away, it just hurts all the time, and just when you think it's getting better, you stub it against a rock, and it hurts all over again. Trump, 'The Incompetent', is that 'rock' that keeps breaking our 'toe'. As long as silent American's continue to be silent he will continue to be that 'rock' that prevents us from 'healing'.
So yeah, it's tiresome, it's stressful, and it's easy to just be another of his whores, roll over for him, be quiet, and go back to sleep after he's done his messy 'job'.
Or, you can be a 'voice' in whatever way you can, and stand up for our Democracy, our Country and our Constitution, and win or lose, you can always be pround that you tried, and that you were never one of Trump, 'The Incompetent's' prostitutes.  BuddyBlack

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