Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The 'King' Has Spoken

The 'King' Has Spoken

And all the Kings minions, and all the Kings lemmings, could never put our Country together again.
'King' Trump, 'The Incompetent', our paranoid 'man-child' President, does not believe in the transparency of Government. He claims to be making "America great again", and yet, he does not want anyone to 'know' exactly how he's doing it. If he's doing such a great, and honest job at it, then why does he insist that everything he does must remain top secret, even from the America he's 'saving' from itself? He wants only glowing accolades, and praise of his holy name, and anyone who dares commit blasphemy of his self ordained, godly image, must forever pay the piper. This is the image of a wanna-be dictator in sitting, who demands that his serfs prostrate themselves before his throne, vowing their vocal chastity, and their very lives, in his service.
Trump is simply trampling, and usurping our Constitution in order to benefit, and bolster his own inflated ego. He views himself as omnipotent, and so important that he, and he alone should be held above public, and official scrutiny, exempt from all laws of The Land, and answerable to none.
How can this impotent man-child who has escaped adult supervision, possibly "make America great again"?
If Americans continue to be 'asleep at the wheel' while this egomaniac continues to de-construct our Constitution, and our Country, then we shall all get exactly what we deserve.

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The president floated the idea during the campaign, and it followed him to the White House.

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