Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Slight of Hand

Ahhhh...wait a minute here. Didn't Trump, 'The Incompetent', promise that Mexico was gonna pay for that thing? Republicans, remember 'that' one. So Now, the US Military budget will foo the bill. Really? WTF is he thinking? Oh never mind he doesn't actually 'think', he simply drop kicks his idiotic ideas hoping to at least get it near the goal post. Yeah, have the US Military budget pay for it. But wait, isn't that about the same as AMERICA paying for the 'wall' that he promised his minions that Mexico would pay for. Just where does he 'think' all that money comes from that goes to the US Military budget? Taxpayers? Oh, that's us! Our tax money goes into that little money bucket. And so, he wants to dip his tiny little grubbies into OUR tax money via the Military budget bucket hoping that we don't notice his slight of hand? Oh contraire!
See, this is why this simple minded man-child should never be left alone without adult supervision. If he's not trying to screw some prostitute, he trying to screw every American that pays taxes. Silly child.

See More
President Donald Trump has privately floated the idea of funding construction of a border wall with Mexico through the US military budget in conversations with advisers, two sources confirmed to CNN Tuesday.
cnn.com|By Jeremy Diamond

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