Saturday, March 17, 2018

"A 'Great' Day For Democracy", He Says

'"A great day for democracy" folks. Fantastic. Incredable. Unbelievable. What a corrupt bunch of loosers! Can you believe it!? What's going on up there with the FBI? Makes you wonder huh? Disgusting criminals! Did they forget who they actually 'work' for? I'm their 'boss', and they act like 'I'm' the enemy! Who does that!? If I have to fire everyone in that disgraceful outfit in order to stop this "witch Hunt", then that's what I'll do. Can't trust'em! McCabe was the worst of... the lot! How dare he investigate me! Or whatever it was he has done to piss me off.
Actually, I just needed to fire someone to create a bigger diversion to take the heat off my arse. Mueller, you're next! Pretty soon there'll be so much distraction, and chaos in DC that no one will even notice when I fire your butt. Mueller Who?? Believe me, it's easier to get forgiveness, than permission, and I don't need permission to fire you. By this time next week no one will even remember, except for you, that it happened. American's have short memories. They won't even remember your disgusting goody two shoes name! Remember when I told you there's a "red line" that you can't cross? Well, your dumb arse is standing on it! You may not realize it but I have way more power than you do. My 'base' is bigger than yours. More people support Me than support you. You don't stand a chance against me, the 'teflon Don' of Washington, DC. I am un-touchable, un-subpoenable., invinceable, ya got nothing on me, no video, no audio, no witnesses, no evidence, no nothing, nada, zip, did I mention, Nothing? Do you think my almost lover, Vlad's gonna testify against me? When I'm done chipping away at, and firing everyone around you, and granting 'pardons' to all your "Fake News" witnesses, you'll have to throw in the towel Mueller. I might not even have to fire you, you'll just quit, and crawl back under your favorite rock. I am the Man, Mueller. You got nothing! I'll still be President, I'll still 'own' America, I'll still be filthy rich, my family will still be in power, still, when you are gone Mueller. Gone! I'm the best thing that's ever happened to America, what a broken, disgusting place it was before God sent me here to save it from itself. And of course to improve my 'brand', and make a fortune doing it. 'Witch hunt' That! That's why I'm President, Mueller, and you're not, and no one else has a snowball's chance in hell! '

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“Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy. Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!”

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