Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A Slight of Hand

Ahhhh...wait a minute here. Didn't Trump, 'The Incompetent', promise that Mexico was gonna pay for that thing? Republicans, remember 'that' one. So Now, the US Military budget will foo the bill. Really? WTF is he thinking? Oh never mind he doesn't actually 'think', he simply drop kicks his idiotic ideas hoping to at least get it near the goal post. Yeah, have the US Military budget pay for it. But wait, isn't that about the same as AMERICA paying for the 'wall' that he promised his minions that Mexico would pay for. Just where does he 'think' all that money comes from that goes to the US Military budget? Taxpayers? Oh, that's us! Our tax money goes into that little money bucket. And so, he wants to dip his tiny little grubbies into OUR tax money via the Military budget bucket hoping that we don't notice his slight of hand? Oh contraire!
See, this is why this simple minded man-child should never be left alone without adult supervision. If he's not trying to screw some prostitute, he trying to screw every American that pays taxes. Silly child.

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President Donald Trump has privately floated the idea of funding construction of a border wall with Mexico through the US military budget in conversations with advisers, two sources confirmed to CNN Tuesday.
cnn.com|By Jeremy Diamond

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Santorum Has 'Spoken'

Santorum Has 'Spoken'

'Yeah, so, I was just thinkin' about how my popularity had been on the wan lately, and was wondering how I could get back in the hot seat, er spot light, that is. I 'know' just about everything there is to know about everything there is to know, that's why CNN hired me to be their favorite mouthpiece, so it's kinda hard for a guy like myself to get some real attention around here. But then I thought, 'self, just say what you really think, express your honest inner feelings about things that other people are afraid to tackle, Just let it all fall out, be yourself, let your mouth overload your arse, show the whole world exactly how you feel about social issues, show people what you're made of, show'em just how 'smart' you are, show'em that just like Trump, 'The Incompetent', you can put America in the crosshairs of everyone with a pen'.
 And then, I was watching my favorite 'news' station Fox News the other day when I saw all these children out protesting about guns in America. And I thought, 'why aren't these kids in school learning something useful, like their ABC's, and how to set a proper table, instead of skipping school clogging the street with their silly signs about 'gun control'. "How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that," how hard is that? They should do something to get ready for the next crazy kid that goes on a slaughter spree in their schools. Learn how to apply a tourniquet, how to do a tracheotomy, how to re-start a heart, splint gunshot shattered limbs, plug gunshot holes to the head, you know, stuff like that, instead of trying to keep guns, you know, the very things that cause all that stuff, out of schools where in my personal opinion, everyone should be packing a sidearm in order to keep more guns out of the schools. More guns will prevent more guns. It's that 'simple' folks! This ain't rocket science here. Just ask the NRA! Crazy kids! What are they thinking? They want to make a bunch of "phony gun laws " that wont make one bit of difference. Makes you wonder why they want to pick on the NRA doesn't it? What's with that? Who's actually behind this stunt?
  "They took action to ask someone to pass a law," . "They didn't take action to say, 'How do I, as an individual, deal with this problem? How am I going to do something about stopping bullying within my own community? What am I going to do to actually help respond to a shooter?'... Those are the kind of things where you can take it internally, and say, 'Here's how I'm going to deal with this. Here's how I'm going to help the situation,' instead of going and protesting and saying, 'Oh, someone else needs to pass a law to protect me.' "I'm proud of them," "But I think everyone should be responsible and deal with the problems that we have to confront in our lives. And ignoring those problems and saying they're not going to come to me and saying some phony gun law is gonna solve it. Phony gun laws don't solve these problems."
  Remember children, 'guns don't kill people, until they're in the hands of people who want to kill people'. What a bunch of crybabies! Grow up already! Bunch of lazy kids! Learn to protect yourselves! The NRA can tell you how to do that. Pay attention kids! Stop it with the stupid gun laws thing! Let the NRA make the rules for guns, not silly imature children! Listen to adults who 'know' everything you need to 'know'. Why can't they 'think' great things just like I, myself do? I was almost the President of America once. You can't get much 'smarter' than that! Hmmm...maybe I should run for President, I certainly have the mental capacity for the job.'

CNN commentator and former Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Rick Santorum on Sunday suggested students protesting for gun control legislation would be better served by…

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Politicians Showing Their Maturity

Politicians Showing Their Maturity

'Oh yeah, Mr. Bushy Eyebrows? Why, I'd whack you so hard you "..would go down fast and hard, crying all the way,” and by the way, you better not say anything about my hair doo either! And besides, we could never have been in school together because I wasn't even born yet when you were in high school! Ha! Take that, "tough guy"!
Hey Trump, your mama's so fat, Goodyear used her as a blimp! Hey blondie, I hear you have a racoon for a makeup artist! By the way fat boy, I'm a “pretty damn good athlete,I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him." "Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room," and besides, Trump attended his own private school, he was the only kid there! I bet I can out run him with one foot tied behind me!
Ha! Biden, you're so old your brain is petrified! I hear you and Thomas Jefferson were on the same hopscotch team! I can hit a golf ball further than you can even see! I can talk faster then you can even hear! Can you even hear me? Hey Biden, over here! You little crybaby!
Oh yeah Trumptedumpty, Yo momma's so fat, she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl. Hey, take off your mask, halloween's over!'

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President Trump fired back at Joe Biden in an early morning tweet, saying the former vice president is “trying to act like a tough guy."

Speechless, Absolutely Speechless

Speechless. Absolutely speechless. Another "swamp" rat replaced with another "swamp" rat. Trump, 'The Incompetent', is continuing to implode. This has got to be the most discombobulated, dysfunctionally incompetent, administration Ever! John Bolton will last no longer than the guy he has temporally replaced. First, he must rid himself of any scruples and self respect that he might have left. Then, he must pledge allegiance not to serve America, but to serve only his new 'benefactor'. He must forget how to say the word, 'No', and to flail himself if ever he even 'thinks' of the word. He must learn how to grovel, and the proper way to prostrate himself before his new 'master'. He must forget how to 'think' for himself, because he no longer 'owns' his own brain. He must convert to trumps 'religion', Republicanism, and from this day forward he must sleep with one eye open, waiting for those career ending words "You're Fired"!

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Bolton, a conservative firebrand, replaces Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster.
washingtonpost.com|By Greg Jaffe

Guns: Both Sides

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Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian
19 hrs
NEW VIDEO: If you’re going to the "March For Our Lives" events this weekend, make sure you’re armed — with snappy comebacks to the NRA’s talking points!

"Users Abandon Facebook"... ?

"Users Abandon Facebook"... is Not the answer to this fiasco. FB "Users" had been warned years ago about the ability of these 'Analytical' outfits being able to capture personal information of FB users, mainly through each time a person 'clicks' the 'LIKE' button. Everytime you click it, your personal information is captured, and mined. This is like the enternet 'gold' mine to advertisers and scam artists. If you don't want it captured, stay away from the 'LIKE' button because it 'likes' you way too much. The same goes for broadcasting your DOB, your address, your hang-outs, and the list goes on and on. THIS IS THE INTERNET folks! Nothing is private or sacred here! Nothing! We are all fair game for the trollers, and the unscrupulious. The more personal info you give them, the better they can troll, and mine your information for theirs of whomever else wants it for whatever reasons they might have. Everytime you hit 'LIKE' you are also sharing all your 'friends' personal info as well. !!
Everytime we do a 'GOOGLE' search, that search is 'mined', and we become the target of advertisements related to that search. Your email address, your phone number, your home address is 'mined', sold, bought, and sold to no end. Everytime you purchase something on the web, your personal info can be sold to others. THIS is the dark side of the snappy enternet, the 'web' that we all love, and have been convinced that we cannot live without.
These folks that are urging us to "Abandon Facebook" have their own personal or business agendas as to why they would love to see everyone bail out of FB, the biggest of which would be to see FB totally fail. And if they can convince enough users to bail out, the FB stock will crash, and FB will surely become another note in failed history.
When you are on ANY web site, use your heads for something besides with which to fill with your inflated egos. Instead of hitting that 'LIKE' button stop and think 'why do they want me to 'like' their posting or comments. There's no law that says you have to 'like' it, even if you do. Think before you leap into anything.

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Patrons of the social network are deleting their profiles in protest over reports that the company allowed a political data firm to harvest private information.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

New Guy In The "Swamp"

'Not only that, but we have absolute 'proof', per Fox News, that America did not land men on the mOOn. Hoax, total hoax. Remember that silly 'Airplane into the Towers' thing a while back. Yeah, just another hoax by our government. Look folks, the only thing that's really 'real' here is my BFF Donald Trump. Great family guy, 'faithful' husband, deeply 'religious', wonderfully honest, 'never' tells a lie, law abiding children, and of course children-in-law, hottie wife, and a great employer. Just ask anyone he hasn't fired yet. I plan to make a small fortune as his personal attorney, however long or short that job may be. I'm the best mouth-piece he'll ever have. I'll make this Russia "witch hunt" go away so fast it'll be like it was never there. I'll make Mr. Mueller wish he had never been hired by Obama or whoever is responsible for him. Only a total idiot would have hired him. Did I mention that I'm a pretty smart guy. Probably smarter than Mr. Trump actually, because I passed a really hard 4th grade 'smart' test. Shhh..don't mention that to my friend, he's kinda sensitive about 'smarts' and such. Hey, wanna hear some more 'unbelievable' conspiracy theories? Well, all you have to do is continue to watch me as I give incredible interviews, just watch my ever fluttering lips, and listen closely to my words which will utterly astound you. Wow! I can't wait to have my very own Top Secret Security Clearance. And my very own WH office with my name in gold on the door! I'm one lucky guy! Pretty soon I'll have lots of stuff for a best selling book. Not that I would 'kiss and tell', you know, like those other people that have filtered through this administration. But I wont be like them. I'll be here forever and ever, even when his daughter is elected President. Well, I better go now and start reading up on the Constitution, I have a feeling it might come in hand for me.'

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President Trump hired Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. attorney who was appointed independent counsel during the George H.W. Bush administration, to help represent him in the special counsel’s Russia investigation.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Just Say No

Reference My answer to the 'Socialists Democratic Party' link that promotes Socialism Government for America.

Bob Fink; Have you really looked at Finland. Frequently voted best country to live in worldwide? I bet not.

· Reply ·
Buddy Black;
Buddy Black; Bob, you "bet" wrong. Älä koskaan aliarvioi niitä, joista sinä et tunne mitään. While at present Suomi can be admired for it's stability after wars with Russia and from with-in, including revolutions, Suomi is Suomi, and America is America, and ner the tween shall meet. Different peoples, different mind-sets, different times. Instead of changing America to a 'Socialist State', which wish as you may, will not happen, we should strive to remedy the obvious problems that currently plague our Democratic system. On the face of it, there's nothing wrong with a true Democracy. The problem arises when greed, and egos are allowed to usurp our Constitution, converting it to their own agendas. The Republicans, as well as the Democrats contribute to the ills facing us. There was a time when both parties could, and actually would come together to work collectivly towards the betterment of our society and country as a whole. And somehow, even when they disagreed, good things still happened because there was, and is supposed to be, a system of 'checks and balances'. Currently, that system has been torpedoed by self centered egos who believe that the 'party', one or the other, is more important than the nation they may profess to represent. Both party's are guilty of this, and neither is willing to give an inch for fear of the other gaining a foot. Currently the one in 'power' is lead by a 'man-child' without adult supervision, and nothing good for America will come of it. The 'repairs' in our damaged institution must come from the 'people' demanding 'Rule of law' from the top down, Transparancy of Government, Fair and affordable Health Care for every American, protection of all ethnic, and all gender groups, freedom of, and from, Religion, and seperation of state and Church, and the list could go on and on, but you get the point here. America does not need a Socialist Government, we simply need our current Democratic Government to work as it damn well should. Rauha Amerikassa

Trump Says He Congratulated Putin

'Did you see that!? Did you?? Man, what a 'close' race that was! 'Un-expected' win for my almost lover! I wish I could just hug the dickens out of him! That guy really knows 'how to win' an election! You can bet I've taken proper notes about how he always 'magically' wins over his opponents. He's gonna 'make Russia great again'! Way to go, pal of mine! I congratulate you from the very bottom of my bottomless heart! By the way Vlad, don't think for one minute that I actually 'believe' any of those disgusting rumors about you poisoning those Russian traitors in the UK. "Fake news"! And those "Fake News" stories about you meddeling in our elections, you 'know' I don't believe a single disgusting word of it. Don't pay any attention to anything contrary that I might mumble about this issue, just 'political' mumblings, you know.   Don't worry Vlad, I've got your back. Oh, do you have any spare pics of you on horseback?
Well, congrats my little Ruskie hunk of a friend. Russia is 'lucky' to have you as its life long dictator, just as America is to have me as theirs. Hugs bro!'

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“We had a very good call,” Mr. Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “We will be meeting in the not-too distant future to discuss the arms race, which is getting out of…

The 'King' Has Spoken

The 'King' Has Spoken

And all the Kings minions, and all the Kings lemmings, could never put our Country together again.
'King' Trump, 'The Incompetent', our paranoid 'man-child' President, does not believe in the transparency of Government. He claims to be making "America great again", and yet, he does not want anyone to 'know' exactly how he's doing it. If he's doing such a great, and honest job at it, then why does he insist that everything he does must remain top secret, even from the America he's 'saving' from itself? He wants only glowing accolades, and praise of his holy name, and anyone who dares commit blasphemy of his self ordained, godly image, must forever pay the piper. This is the image of a wanna-be dictator in sitting, who demands that his serfs prostrate themselves before his throne, vowing their vocal chastity, and their very lives, in his service.
Trump is simply trampling, and usurping our Constitution in order to benefit, and bolster his own inflated ego. He views himself as omnipotent, and so important that he, and he alone should be held above public, and official scrutiny, exempt from all laws of The Land, and answerable to none.
How can this impotent man-child who has escaped adult supervision, possibly "make America great again"?
If Americans continue to be 'asleep at the wheel' while this egomaniac continues to de-construct our Constitution, and our Country, then we shall all get exactly what we deserve.

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The president floated the idea during the campaign, and it followed him to the White House.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Liars All!

Liars All!

'Liars, liars, liars!!!! Their pants are on fire! They all are just big, fat, disgusting, liars! Why can't people just tell the 'truth' around here!? Is there something in the "swamp" water here? Am I the only person in DC that knows how to 'tell' the truth? Am I??? Well, am I? What's with that? Why can't everyone follow my 'example'! But of course, the answer is, yes, I am the 'only' person who knows how to tell the truth. Every word that flows from my entitled lips just oozzes with the truth. My parents didn't raise me to be a liar. My whole extended family would never even think of telling a lie. Just ask them! And that's the 'truth'. Really. This time I'm not kidding. Look into my racoon eyes..deeper...deeeeeper..do you not see the 'truth' lurking within? Of course you do. Because the more I say, 'I do not lie', the more it will sound like the truth, and the sooner you will believe me, the more you will believe that everyone else is lying. Really. Trust me here.
But hey, how about that lying McCabe and his sidekick Comey. Now there's two liars if I've ever seen two! McCabe's not even smart enough to take "notes"! It was mistake that he was ever hired in the first place. If I find out who's responsible for hiring him I will fire that disgusting idiot too! Actually, I "Spent very little time with Andrew McCabe, but he never took notes when he was with me," "I don’t believe he made memos except to help his own agenda, probably at a later date. Same with that lying James Comey. Can we call them Fake Memos?" Of course we can call it that. I'm the President, and if I say it's "Fake Memos", then that's what it is. "Fake memos", "Fake news", real liars! I always told them, 'guys, always tell the truth', but now look at them! Liars all! But hey, how about that Mueller!
Mueller's a nice guy. Love'em to death. Great family guy. Hard worker. Can't help but respect him. Would never even think about standing in his way, or maybe...firing 'Him'. Problem is, he's 'working' on the wrong thing here. Wrong side Mueller. This is like the Salem Witch Hunt trials! All "fake news"! Liars everywhere! Trying to burn me at the stake! Why does he want to burn 'me', the only person telling the truth here? Un-believeable! Un-American! Disgusting! No collusion! No crime! No video! No evidence! He's got nothing on me. I'm clean as my tax returns. Liars! Politicians can't be trusted! Liars! I'm innocent I tell you! Innocent! Innocent...really..I really am..really..I'm your President, I'd 'never' lie..really...honest.'

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The president launches Sunday morning with a series of tweets.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

'Be Careful What You Ask For'

'Be Careful What You Ask For'

By now, I'm fairly certain that everyone has become tired of anything Trump. And rightly so. I too am tired to the hilt of him. And I wish I could ignore his idiotcy as it appears others are able, for whatever reasons, to do. And, he certainly wants those of us who rail against his stupidity to go back to sleep as if he never happened while he continues to ursurp our Constitution, and deconstruct our America. That's what he wants, a subserviant, ...compliant, kowtowing, sleepheaded nation of serfs who will agree with his every nocturnal tweet, his unbelievable un-American decisions, his every vile word that flows from his serial lying mouth. If we stay silent, either afraid or just plain apathetically lazy, and not stand up to this pathetic man-child that is hell bent on destroying our America, then we will deserve the damage he is, and will continue to inflict on our Constitution, our Democracy, and our Country, and the world in general. Be careful what you 'ask' for. And yes, it is tiring, and stressful. But so is he. It seems that every day brings another round of stupidity flowing from the WH. By now one would think it all would have mellowed out and healed itself with 'checks and balances' somehow. But every day brings another round of pain from this man-child running amok sans adult supervision.
It's not unlike having a broken toe. Nothing could be more uncomfortable, or more painful, and no matter how one would try, and wish it would just go the hell away, it just hurts all the time, and just when you think it's getting better, you stub it against a rock, and it hurts all over again. Trump, 'The Incompetent', is that 'rock' that keeps breaking our 'toe'. As long as silent American's continue to be silent he will continue to be that 'rock' that prevents us from 'healing'.
So yeah, it's tiresome, it's stressful, and it's easy to just be another of his whores, roll over for him, be quiet, and go back to sleep after he's done his messy 'job'.
Or, you can be a 'voice' in whatever way you can, and stand up for our Democracy, our Country and our Constitution, and win or lose, you can always be pround that you tried, and that you were never one of Trump, 'The Incompetent's' prostitutes.  BuddyBlack

"A 'Great' Day For Democracy", He Says

'"A great day for democracy" folks. Fantastic. Incredable. Unbelievable. What a corrupt bunch of loosers! Can you believe it!? What's going on up there with the FBI? Makes you wonder huh? Disgusting criminals! Did they forget who they actually 'work' for? I'm their 'boss', and they act like 'I'm' the enemy! Who does that!? If I have to fire everyone in that disgraceful outfit in order to stop this "witch Hunt", then that's what I'll do. Can't trust'em! McCabe was the worst of... the lot! How dare he investigate me! Or whatever it was he has done to piss me off.
Actually, I just needed to fire someone to create a bigger diversion to take the heat off my arse. Mueller, you're next! Pretty soon there'll be so much distraction, and chaos in DC that no one will even notice when I fire your butt. Mueller Who?? Believe me, it's easier to get forgiveness, than permission, and I don't need permission to fire you. By this time next week no one will even remember, except for you, that it happened. American's have short memories. They won't even remember your disgusting goody two shoes name! Remember when I told you there's a "red line" that you can't cross? Well, your dumb arse is standing on it! You may not realize it but I have way more power than you do. My 'base' is bigger than yours. More people support Me than support you. You don't stand a chance against me, the 'teflon Don' of Washington, DC. I am un-touchable, un-subpoenable., invinceable, ya got nothing on me, no video, no audio, no witnesses, no evidence, no nothing, nada, zip, did I mention, Nothing? Do you think my almost lover, Vlad's gonna testify against me? When I'm done chipping away at, and firing everyone around you, and granting 'pardons' to all your "Fake News" witnesses, you'll have to throw in the towel Mueller. I might not even have to fire you, you'll just quit, and crawl back under your favorite rock. I am the Man, Mueller. You got nothing! I'll still be President, I'll still 'own' America, I'll still be filthy rich, my family will still be in power, still, when you are gone Mueller. Gone! I'm the best thing that's ever happened to America, what a broken, disgusting place it was before God sent me here to save it from itself. And of course to improve my 'brand', and make a fortune doing it. 'Witch hunt' That! That's why I'm President, Mueller, and you're not, and no one else has a snowball's chance in hell! '

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“Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy. Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!”

Friday, March 16, 2018

Welcome Aboard, Suckers

What!??? He's 'hiring' the very people from the very "Fake News" orgs that he has labeled "Un-American"? Oh my! How quickly he forgets. And, if he thinks for one minute that these TV personalities are going to somehow save him from himself, then he's got another 'think' coming. They'll last about as long as the minions they will have replaced at the Trump minion, feed trough. In their feeding frenzy they will simply devour one another, and become political wannabe carcasses in Trumps smelly, festering "swamp".
Welcome to Trump, The 'Incompetent's', made for TV, White House Reality Hour, where as long as you are gastronomically able to say the secret password 'Yes', you'll be able to sit at his chaos table, and dine on one another while waiting to be "FIRED".

The reality TV president turns to talking heads now more than ever.
washingtonpost.com|By James Hohmann

More Guns, Please!

Yes, by all means, more guns in more schools by more people, especially, 'mature' 18 yr old students, to solve the problem of more guns in more schools by more people. Republican Rep. Niraj Antani, of Miamisburg, said state law allows those 18 or older to carry a long gun, so anyone who complies "should be able to carry and protect themselves." He first made the remarks in an interview with the Dayton Daily News. Mr.Anyani must know something about 18 yr old students that no one else is aware of. But then, he 'is' a 'Law Maker' so that obviously puts him way above the IQ level of everyone else, and without question, above question. And now, here he is, showing the whole world just how 'intellegent' he surely is, without 'question'. Good luck Ohio!

Law-abiding high school students who are 18 or older should be allowed to carry long guns inside public high schools, an Ohio lawmaker said on Thursday.


Ohio lawmaker: Allow students age 18-plus to carry guns in high school

Published: Thursday, March 15, 2018 @ 3:27 PM

Law-abiding high school students age 18 years or older should be able to carry long guns inside public high schools, state Rep. Niraj Antani, R-Miamisburg, told the Dayton Daily News in an interview Thursday.
— Law-abiding high school students age 18 years or older should be able to carry long guns inside public high schools, state Rep. Niraj Antani, R-Miamisburg, told the Dayton Daily News in an interview Thursday.
The issue came up during a Twitter dispute Wednesday between the state lawmaker and Zach Dickerson, a Democratic primary candidate for the District 42 seat Antani currently holds.

Antani has long advocated allowing college students to carry firearms on campuses, but the shooting deaths of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., have injected into the national conversation a new round of debate about the place of weapons in American high schools.
Antani maintains he was not advocating arming high school students, but rather said students should have the option of carrying long guns in school if they meet the legal criteria to do so.
“The law is anybody above 21 can have a handgun and anybody above 18 can have a long gun, and so anyone who complies with the law should be able to carry and protect themselves,” Antani told the Daily News. “If you look at what happened many decades ago, people brought their firearms to school. They kept them in their cars, maybe, but there was not a problem.”

“My view is that anyone who is of age should be able to carry a firearm wherever they want,” Antani said. “The only restriction I believe in is for private property.”
Antani cited a “cultural difference” between urban and rural communities for differing opinions about guns.
“You go out to Valley View, in my district, you go shooting against a rock in your backyard … it’s part of the culture there, it’s not a big deal,” Antani said. “Of course, in inner-city Dayton Public it would be a big deal, but there is a cultural difference … In rural America, there is a culture of carrying firearms safely. In any urban area, such as Dayton Public, there is not. In Dayton, unfortunately, there is a lot of gang violence, and firearms are used improperly.”
Antani is a co-sponsor of House Bill 233, a bill that would allow a concealed handgun licensee or military member to carry a deadly weapon into a gun-free zone, and avoid punishment, so long as the person leaves upon request and doesn’t return with the weapon within 30 days.

Both Antani and Dickerson said they own guns and hold concealed carry licenses. But Dickerson, a first-time candidate, said Antani is advocating “dangerous and dumb gun policy.”
“I think that is irresponsible, and I think a vast majority of both parents, students and school officials would agree with me,” said Dickerson. “I support gun ownership, but I think there’s a balance to be struck between public safety and the Second Amendment.”
“I think he is firmly cemented in his position that any restriction or sensible gun law is a bad one,” he said.