Saturday, April 29, 2017

'Mission Control To Space Lab..'

'Mission Control To Space Lab..'

'Mission Control to Space lab, come in, over.
Space lab here, Mission Control, we read you loud and clear, over.
Ah, Space lab, we have a little, seemingly, 'insignificant' issue that has come up 'unexpectantly', just a little 'something' that you need to work with us on.
Hey, no problem Mission Control, what can we do for you? Are you finally sending us a supply of 'T.P.'??
Well, no actually, it's about those dated 'space suits' you guys are wearing, you 'know' those snappy, 'new' in 1981, you know the space suit to end all space suits, that we've been repairing, patching, sewing up, replacing parts, washing out, you know, 'those' suits.
Sure Mission Control, what about them?
Well, Space Lab, as you 'know', 'someone' has totally 'forgotton', since 1981 actually, to manufacture even one spare suit for you guys to wear up there in that hostile outter space environment. Haha, how about that! And of course since then, we've just been sending them out for repairs to the local upholstery shop never imagining that now, 36 short years later, that we might in our wildest dreams, need a 'spare' one, or even a newer model. Crazy how time flies huh? Well, now it appears that we have some new astronauts that want to, well, be 'astronauts' and do a little outter space stuff, sorta like you guys are doing right now.
Go ahead Mission Control, we read you loud and clear, sounded like you were stuttering for a moment there. Something about running out of spacesuits? No problem up 'here', we have 'ours'!
That's right Space Lab, we ran clean out of'em! Ain't that a hoot! We've looked everywhere for one! And I mean Everywhere! We could get some from China but all theirs comes in a size 'small'. Russia's not talking to us any more, what with that nasty Putin/Trump 'divorce' thing, so we've come up with plan 'B'.
What's plan 'B', Mission Control?
Ok, we need everyone up there to Fed-X, Overnight, 'your' suits to Mission Control, right away! Don't worry, we'll pay the freight charges. Now, we know you'll be floating around in your skivies and all that, and you'll have to keep the doors, and windows closed, and the blinds pulled, but this is just 'temporary' until we can figure out who made the original suits, and see if they remember how to make them in the second place. They may have actually gone out of business, probably because we weren't exactly keeping them gainfully employed, but 'trust' us, we'll find some way, some time, some where, some money, to make one or two new suits for you to 'share' with one another up there. You 'know' we're 'always' looking out for your wellfare. So 'trust' us on this. In the meantime, keep up the good work, and send us a few pics once in a while. Well,looks like it's nearly 'closing' time guys, what with the new budget cuts we have to close here at 4pm, so if you have any problems, or just want to chat, just call and leave a message, and 'someone' will get back with you in the morning after 10am, or during the day at least, or with-in 48 hours at the most. Gotta run now, don't miss the Fed-X shuttle this evening!' ;)

One astronaut nearly drowned in space.

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