Thursday, April 27, 2017

Celebrate 'Rebellion'??

(Remarks in parenthesis ( ) are Mine)BuddyBlack.

 1) The South was deeply divided and the N.C. mountains and Piedmont were particularly pro-Union.

(Except, that it matters little whether it "was deeply divided", or not. Many North Carolinians died for the 'wrong' cause, and many died helping to end Slavery, and the illegal rebellion.)

2) Lincoln and Davis were really unpopular presidents f...or their own respective sides.

 (Except that Lincoln was on the 'correct' side of the issue. Davis was for continuing the enslavement of Human Beings so that the Southern Slave holding states could survive.)

3) Many different ethnicities fought for the Confederacy for different reasons, including Irish, Scots-Irish, Africans (both slave and free), Jews, Cherokees, Seminoles and Tejanos.

 (Except ,that most people were un-deducated, poor, and ignorant of world issues, let alone states issues, along with slavery issues. And of 'course' they would be of many "ethnicities", how could they not have been? Unfortunately, most had no clue as to what the 'real' reasons for the war intailed.)

 4) The South did fight for states’ rights, but unfortunately the right to keep slavery was one of them. 

 (Except, that "the right to keep slavery" was the main factor that led the Slaveholding States to rebel. Without human bondage, cotton could never have been 'king', southern agriculture could never have thrived. The southern economy lived off the backs of Slaves, who lived, and died, for nearly 245 years, toiling in the fields, and factories under the gun of Slave Owners until abolished in 1865. "States Rights" had very little except as a paltry 'excuse', to do with the rebellion. It was about their 'rights' of 'Owning' Slaves. A 'rose' called by any other name is still a 'rose'.)

5) The Confederate government was more concerned about the privileges of the planter elite than the rights and woes of the common farmer.

 (Except, "The Confederate government was more concerned" with the continuation of the practice of 'Slavery', without which the Slave holding states would perish for lack of 'field hands', and 'factory workers'. The "planter elite" grew the cotton that floated the economy of the Slave holding states, and so of 'course' the rebel leaders were concerned about their viability, without whom the rebellion would fold for lack of funds.)

6) Both the North and South committed atrocities. I will neither glorify nor demonize the South or the North, but I will remember all those who lived, fought, suffered and died in the American Civil War, both soldier and civilian, slave and free, Southerner and Northerner.

 (Except that their would have been no "North and South committed atrocities" had it not been for the unforgiviable institution of Slavery in the first place, and had the rebellion states not rebelled in the second place thereby causing a civil war where hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly perished. Yes, all who "suffered, and died", 'should' be "remembered", but there should be Nothing on the rebellion side that should be "celebrated". The "celebration" is that this 'war' helped end Slavery, the 'Owning' of another human being, the illegal bondage of another person uprooted from their Mother Land, kidnapped, and forced in chains to come to a foriegn land where for 245 years they, and their decendants lived, and died, as the 'property' of another human being who believed that the 'right' thing to do, was to 'own' another human being.)

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