Friday, April 14, 2017

'French History Scrubber'

'French History Scrubber'

'What!? How many? Oh. Only Thirteen Thousand? Is that all? Well, that's not very 'many' now is it? That's like a small village in comparison. Hmmm, sounds like a vast 'over-exageration' to me. Well, let me be perfectly 'clear' about this 'alleged' non-event that I am 'certain' did not occur on French soil. There were no "Nazis death camps' in France. Neither France, nor... any French citizen ever killed not even one single Jew on 'French soil', during the Second World War. France was 'not' responsible for, nor 'participated' in the so-called Holocaust. 'Really'.
'If', as some 'allege', 13,000 Jewish men, women and children were rounded up by French police on July 16th, 1942, and taken to the Vélodrome d’Hiver cycling race track, for deportation to Nazi death camps", well, that's 'news' to me..sounds like something my friend President Trump would tweet.
“If someone was responsible, it was those un-French Vichy who were in power at the time, which is not France,” Yeah, so 'who ever' was in charge of France at that time could not have been French. That sort of alleged thing would 'never' happen in our enlightened country, especially by Frenchmen.
“like Charles de Gaulle and Francois Mitterrand. I consider that France and the Republic were in London during the occupation, and that the [collaborationist] Vichy regime was not France”. And of course the 'French Police' were not 'Frenchmen' at all, I have been told that none of them even 'spoke' the French language. As far as the alleged 'deportation' of that 'supposed' number of Jews to 'Nazis death camps', I was told by my father that 'if' this happened at all, those 'refugees' were simply taken to a pleasant 'hostel' in Germany where they resided in great comfort until the end of the war, and then were given train tickets to destinations of their own choice, although most all of them 'chose' to have their ashes strewn over the grounds of their beloved 'hostel' after they had lived a 'full', and rewarding life there.
“France has been abused in the minds of people for years. We taught our children that they had every reason to criticise, to see only the darkest historic aspects. I want them to be proud of being French again.” And the only way to achieve that is to totally ignore, deny, and rewrite French history, starting at a time, oh, say...., right around 'July 16th, 1942' to present time. And then when, and I certainly will be, I am elected by the majority of like minded proud French 'deniers', to be their proud 'leader', I will quickly, faster than you can say 'french toast', wipe the history slate clean of all things that would remind us, and the world in general, of any association with, and festering feelings of supposed 'guilt', of this little non-sequential, alleged 'Holocaust' connection to the good, and honorable name of France. Longue vie à la France! (Long live france) Histoire en francais en direct! (Short Live France History).
So, remember my fellow 'history scrubbing partisan's', a vote for me, is a vote for 'French History', you know, like starting today.'

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