Friday, April 14, 2017

'Non-Transparent Government'

So much for 'transparency' in government.

 The White House cited “the grave national security risks and privacy concerns” of people who visit the White House, according to Time. Officials said that keeping the visitor logs private is necessary to protect President Trump’s ability to seek advice from people “with some discretion.” What!? So, he's going to be "seeking advice" from people that American's should not 'know' about? Maybe like, Putin, or one of his puppets? "with som...e discretion"? Really? Our President must 'lead' America with "some discretion"? Just another smoke screen for him to hide behind so that he can't be held accountable for his 'actions'. He does not have to adhere to any 'ethics' standards already. He has insulated himself to the point of being an 'un-touchable'. This is what Trump wants for America, a 'non-transparent' government. What a 'deal' for all Americans. :/

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The Trump administration will not voluntarily disclose logs of visitors to the White House complex, it announced Friday, breaking with the practice started under former President Obama.

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