Friday, April 7, 2017

'Pat's Being "Dominated"'

''OMG! WWJD!? Everywhere I look, and believe you me, I'm always 'looking', these perverted homosexual animals are all over the place. No matter where I go, you know like when I just can't 'hold it', and I just happen to be driving through a Park and go in the rest room, and who follows me in but one of those homo's. I can't even count the many times I've 'tried' to minister to those fellows. And Now, Every time I turn on my teli or my radio, there they are! "I'm being dominated by homosexuals"! My God in heaven, these abominations have even 'infiltrated' our Universities of Godly learning! Did you 'know' that some universities actually allow homo's to be Teachers!? What in the name of our good Lord are they 'teaching' there? There's even documented cases of student homo's! Students!! What's with that? I tell you, we are being dominated by these queers! And how dare they steal our saviors 'rainbow' and claim it as their Own! That makes me so mad the devil almost makes me spit cuss words! How can so few 'dominate' so many? Did you know that there's countries that actually have absolutely 'no' homosexual people, not even Lesbians? Did you know that Lesbians aren't 'homosexuals'? You see, women have always loved women. There's even 'documentary' type movies that show how they 'do it'. I conducted an 'undercover' investigation at least once, and in the name of the Lord of course, to fully determine what they do with one another. It's so complicated, I will have to watch more of those 'documentaries' to get a better 'grasp' of it. It's 'true'! We can be queer free here in America folks! We gotta pray harder, be tempted less, and tolerate even More less!
If you're at home right now, stop what you're doing and place your hands on your television, if you're driving your car, put at least one hand on your radio, if you're in a rest room somewhere, put your hand on a 'sinner', if you're in your 'closet', like I am a lot, take your hand off yourself, and repeat after me; Oh dear Lord, I will resist all temptations that homo's cast my way, I will not be 'dominated' by evil queer spirits no matter where they may find me, even though they may lay their hot sweaty hands on my quivering sinless body, I shall not be tempted but turn the other 'cheek', out domination, out, we beseech you. Amen Lord. Oh, and before I 'forget', we more than ever need your prayers, along with your generous financial support so that we can continue our Lords 'work' in cleansing Gods America of these homo sinners. A portion of your 'gift' will go towards ensuring that I can continue 'investigating' the Lesbian women's film 'documentaries' as mentioned earlier, there's so much sweat, and hands on labor yet to be done. Praise the Lord, and pass the 'plate'!' ;)

Pat Robertson said today that homosexuals have taken over the media and universities, drowning out voices like his that oppose civil rights and basic decency.
Christian bigotry isn't as acceptable as it used to be.

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